Temp Priv2: Difference between revisions

The Terran Knowledge Bank
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Line 91: Line 91:
* [[A new home for Hom]]
* [[A new home for Hom]]
* [[A recipe for disaster]]
* [[A recipe for disaster]]
**** [[Absolutely no meat content - guaranteed!]]
**** [[Adipose Aggro on Anhur]]
**** [[All-Stars do it again]]
* [[Altairian Rindpest hits (Planet)]]
* [[Altairian Rindpest hits (Planet)]]
**** [[Are you bored by life?]]
**** [[Are you weedier than an abandoned hydroponics unit?]]
**** [[Are you a deathball fan?]]
**** [[Are you as fat as a whale?]]
**** [[Are you in search of lost childhood?]]
* [[Attack of the Bexian MegaLocust!]]
* [[Attack of the Bexian MegaLocust!]]
**** [[Bad blood at friendly match]]
* [[Bad tidings for Hephaestus!]]
* [[Bad tidings for Hephaestus!]]
* [[Beer, beer, we want more beer]]
* [[Beer, beer, we want more beer]]
* [[Beverage company in the drink!]]
* [[Beverage company in the drink!]]
**** [[Bex authorities crack down on corporate expansion]]
** [[Black market fears as police cuts are announced]]
**** [[Blakk is back]]
*** [[Blood and Ion]]
**** [[Boardgame LXXVII happens]]
**** [[Bored of being normal?]]
* [[Boweled over by sheer incontinence]]
* [[Boweled over by sheer incontinence]]
**** [[Bratjoy recall product line]]
* [[CIS brings Gamberettis to justice]]
* [[CIS net big brain bust]]
* [[CIS unveils plans for new departmental building]]
* [[Call for help goes out as famine strikes Janus IV]]
* [[Call for help goes out as famine strikes Janus IV]]
**** [[Can't make a rash decision?]]
**** [[Candid's camera]]
* [[Cannibal horror as hundreds starve on Hephaestus]]
* [[Cannibal horror as hundreds starve on Hephaestus]]
* [[Cargo crash causes contamination]]
* [[Cargo crash causes contamination]]
**** [[Carts of parts hit the marts]]
* [[Cereal killers!]]
* [[Cereal killers!]]
**** [[Chnauzer runs for president]]
**** [[Circus circus!]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (1)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (2)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (3)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (4)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (5)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (6)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (7)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (8)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS publish annual report]]
* [[CIS brings Gamberettis to justice]]
* [[CIS net big brain bust]]
* [[CIS unveils plans for new departmental building]]
* [[Citizens left without a foot to stand on!]]
* [[Citizens left without a foot to stand on!]]
**** [[Civilian version of Freij craft released]]
**** [[Congratulations...]]
* [[Construction strike generates materials surplus]]
* [[Construction strike generates materials surplus]]
* [[Contamination hits synthetic foodstuffs]]
* [[Contamination hits synthetic foodstuffs]]
**** [[Convicts sign TeleVid deal]]
* [[Corpulent competition causes chaos]]
* [[Corpulent competition causes chaos]]
* [[Crappy craft crock company]]
* [[Crappy craft crock company]]
* [[Crash chaos kills kinky cyborgs]]
* [[Crash chaos kills kinky cyborgs]]
** [[Crius inhabitants show a lot of front]]
* [[Crunch time at Crisp Factory!]]
* [[Crunch time at Crisp Factory!]]
* [[Cult leaders arrested in livestock fiasco]]
* [[Cult leaders arrested in livestock fiasco]]
* [[Damn that dam!]]
* [[Damn that dam!]]
**** [[Defense Secretary resigns after sex shocker]]
* [[Diarrhoea fear strikes on Janus IV]]
* [[Diarrhoea fear strikes on Janus IV]]
* [[Diddler plays a blinder!]]
* [[Diddler plays a blinder!]]
* [[Don't keep your eye on the ball!]]
* [[Don't keep your eye on the ball!]]
**** [[Don't let dangerous insects bug you]]
* [[Drought hits (Planet) hard]]
* [[Drought hits (Planet) hard]]
* [[Edific enterprises offer you your dream home...]]
* [[Edific enterprises offer you your dream home...]]
* [[Eggs-ecution!]]
* [[Eggs-ecution!]]
*** [[Energize, Captain]]
* [[Environmental science goes splosh!]]
* [[Environmental science goes splosh!]]
**** [[Every winner loses!]]
*** [[Fatbink reveal their latest shield system]]
* [[Faulty fork fiasco]]
* [[Faulty fork fiasco]]
* [[Flashlight business torched]]
* [[Flashlight business torched]]
Line 166: Line 126:
* [[Flower shower]]
* [[Flower shower]]
* [[Food wasting fad leads to famine]]
* [[Food wasting fad leads to famine]]
**** [[For the gentleperson of taste... the timepiece of distinction]]
**** [[For the ser about system... the Tweedle Buckham VacSuit Deluxe]]
* [[Georgie's gorgeous orgy]]
* [[Georgie's gorgeous orgy]]
* [[Global warming fears on (Planet)]]
* [[Global warming fears on (Planet)]]
Line 175: Line 133:
* [[Grain store goes with a bang!]]
* [[Grain store goes with a bang!]]
* [[Grape guru blamed for starving masses]]
* [[Grape guru blamed for starving masses]]
**** [[Gravel rash denied official status]]
* [[Guns on the run]]
* [[Guns on the run]]
**** [[H.O.C table controversial 'air rationing' plans]]
* [[Hacker hunger horror on Hermes]]
* [[Hacker hunger horror on Hermes]]
* [[Happy camper]]
* [[Happy camper]]
**** [[Hard?Cor! sign for startled]]
* [[Hauliers strike starves (Planet)]]
* [[Hauliers strike starves (Planet)]]
**** [[Have you ever wondered what human flesh tastes like?]]
* [[Help us! Plead the inhabitants of Hades]]
* [[Help us! Plead the inhabitants of Hades]]
**** [[High drama at pool championships]]
* [[Hot digger-ty dog!]]
* [[Hot digger-ty dog!]]
* [[Huge medical surplus as conflict ends]]
* [[Huge medical surplus as conflict ends]]
** [[Humongous fungus raises rumpus]]
** [[I'm just an 'armless orphan, guv]]
* [[I'm just going to implant my brain!]]
* [[I'm just going to implant my brain!]]
**** [[If your child hasn't got a Mutant Cosmic Thunder Samurai Newt...]]
*** [[Improved afterburner available]]
**** [[Interplanetary Congress pledges more money for CIS]]
**** [[Is your beer holy satisfactory?]]
**** [[It's Caviare to the General...]]
**** [[It's easier for a rich man to get into heaven...]]
**** [[It's Mountain O'Cash month!]]
**** [[Jake Starr is going through hell...]]
* [[Jewel bash on (Planet)]]
* [[Jewel bash on (Planet)]]
**** [[Kershwin makes plea to single mothers]]
* [[Kick up the ass!]]
* [[Kick up the ass!]]
**** [[KriskArms nuys out ExTex]]
**** [[KriskArms present... the Femme Fatale]]
* [[Law Corps torp corpses]]
* [[Law Corps torp corpses]]
* [[Light makes many hands work]]
* [[Light makes many hands work]]
* [[Lottery closed following scandal]]
* [[Lottery closed following scandal]]
** [[Magician exiled for life as "disappearing food" trick fails]]
**** [[Maiden oeuvre]]
* [[Many killed in freighter crash]]
* [[Many killed in freighter crash]]
* [[Marriage bliss for happy couple]]
* [[Marriage bliss for happy couple]]
Line 215: Line 153:
* [[Military coup Continues on (Planet)]]
* [[Military coup Continues on (Planet)]]
* [[Mustachioed mayhem on Hades]]
* [[Mustachioed mayhem on Hades]]
**** [[New 'cult law' is passed]]
* [[New Hard? Cor! dates announced]]
*** [[New decoy proves a success]]
*** [[New "virus weapon" worries police]]
* [[New factory opens on (Planet)]]
* [[New factory opens on (Planet)]]
* [[New Hard? Cor! dates announced]]
**** [[New league record set in Gritley-Rascon game]]
* [[New ore deposits located on (Planet)]]
* [[New ore deposits located on (Planet)]]
**** [[New from Gagco...... the Kakotron 2000]]
**** [[New!!! from MegaGags!!! The Virtual Victim]]
**** [[New, from Pulchresse... the CosmoDrone]]
* [[Now that's GOTTA hurt!]]
* [[Now that's GOTTA hurt!]]
* [[Now that's what I call Death Metal]]
* [[Now that's what I call Death Metal]]
**** [[Objects of Antiquity present]]
**** [[Oh, what a performance!]]
**** [[Opi-Ola corporation present new brands]]
* [[Opthalophagia epidemic on (Planet)]]
* [[Opthalophagia epidemic on (Planet)]]
* [[Ore market crashes]]
* [[Ore market crashes]]
* [[Pack of black yaks attack Zak!]]
* [[Pack of black yaks attack Zak!]]
* [[Panic on (Planet) as Grain harvest fails]]
* [[Panic on (Planet) as Grain harvest fails]]
**** [[Party Chairman loses out in reshuffle]]
**** [[Peace Minister faces jail]]
* [[Pecs-cellent!]]
* [[Pecs-cellent!]]
* [[Pirates create food shortage on (Planet)]]
* [[Pirates create food shortage on (Planet)]]
Line 242: Line 168:
* [[Police bust nets grand haul of firearms]]
* [[Police bust nets grand haul of firearms]]
* [[Police crack down on red light area]]
* [[Police crack down on red light area]]
**** [[Poll shows pop drop after enforcement bill]]
* [[Power station project given go-ahead]]
* [[Power station project given go-ahead]]
* [[Pre-Flab construction]]
* [[Pre-Flab construction]]
Line 250: Line 175:
* [[Riots break out after election chaos]]
* [[Riots break out after election chaos]]
* [[Rodent show could be suspended!]]
* [[Rodent show could be suspended!]]
**** [[Rugby final marred by faulty player]]
* [[Scorching weather results in drought]]
* [[Scorching weather results in drought]]
* [[Scourge of the biting vole!]]
* [[Scourge of the biting vole!]]
**** [[Serra Magda Lyssom, your number's up]]
* [[Shares boom on (Planet)]]
* [[Shares boom on (Planet)]]
* [[Shock docs cock up!]]
* [[Shock docs cock up!]]
**** [[Sinners dinners]]
**** [[Sinoretti - the spirit of adventure]]
* [[Smart bomb, dumb pilot]]
* [[Smart bomb, dumb pilot]]
* [[Soldiers get the needle]]
* [[Soldiers get the needle]]
* [[Space port project runs into difficulty]]
* [[Space port project runs into difficulty]]
* [[Star arrested in food fight frenzy]]
* [[Star arrested in food fight frenzy]]
**** [[Statistics debate rages on]]
* [[Stop this toxic terror!]]
* [[Stop this toxic terror!]]
* [[Storm wreaks havoc on farmers]]
* [[Storm wreaks havoc on farmers]]
* [[Stunt tragedy inflicts famine on Anhur]]
* [[Stunt tragedy inflicts famine on Anhur]]
**** [[Suffering from uncomfortable seat sores?]]
* [[Super grub ravages food supplies on Bex]]
* [[Super grub ravages food supplies on Bex]]
* [[Synthi skin in demand as fires rage out of control]]
* [[Synthi skin in demand as fires rage out of control]]
* [[Talk show Temptress blows her top!]]
* [[Talk show Temptress blows her top!]]
* [[Tax protesters go on rampage]]
* [[Tax protesters go on rampage]]
**** [[Team Selachian win GroB preis]]
* [[Teams count cost of Deathball season]]
* [[Teams count cost of Deathball season]]
* [[Techno Prisoners!]]
* [[Techno Prisoners!]]
Line 277: Line 195:
* [[That's ore-ibble]]
* [[That's ore-ibble]]
* [[That's rich!]]
* [[That's rich!]]
**** [[The answer comes from within for lottery winner]]
**** [[The beer that doesn't fart about]]
**** [[The boardgame that's got the whole planet talking...]]
* [[The buttocks' biggest bash!]]
*** [[The missile that won't miss]]
* [[The Sexual Revolution!]]
* [[The Sexual Revolution!]]
* [[The Zak is back!]]
* [[The Zak is back!]]
**** [[This vegetable love will grow and grow...]]
* [[The buttocks' biggest bash!]]
* [[Tip-Top Eclipse Tips Mix-up]]
* [[Tip-Top Eclipse Tips Mix-up]]
* [[To his toy mistress...]]
* [[To his toy mistress...]]
* [[Torrential rain causes flood on (Planet)]]
* [[Torrential rain causes flood on (Planet)]]
* [[Total crop failure on (Planet)]]
* [[Total crop failure on (Planet)]]
**** [[Tour company loses compensation battle]]
**** [[Tragedy strikes rocket derby]]
* [[Tricky brickies]]
* [[Tricky brickies]]
* [[Trillionaire blamed for flood deaths]]
* [[Trillionaire blamed for flood deaths]]
**** [[Tyche present... the ultimate running shoe]]
* [[Venom vandals vanquished]]
* [[Venom vandals vanquished]]
* [[Volca-not!]]
* [[Volca-not!]]
* [[War and peace]]
* [[War and peace]]
** [[Water way to go!]]
* [[We must catch these ghouls!]]
* [[We must catch these ghouls!]]
* [[Why Zimzam, why?]]
* [[Why Zimzam, why?]]
* [[Would you like ice in that?]]
* [[Yes sir, that's high baby]]
* [[You wooden't believe it]]
* [[Youth gun craze confounds police]]
* [[Zak arrives on (planet)]]
* [[Zak brings the house down!]]
* [[Zebu herds feel the bite]]
** [[Black market fears as police cuts are announced]]
** [[Crius inhabitants show a lot of front]]
** [[Humongous fungus raises rumpus]]
** [[I'm just an 'armless orphan, guv]]
** [[Magician exiled for life as "disappearing food" trick fails]]
** [[Water way to go!]]
** [[Work starts at site of Canera crash]]
** [[Work starts at site of Canera crash]]
*** [[Blood and Ion]]
*** [[Energize, Captain]]
*** [[Fatbink reveal their latest shield system]]
*** [[Improved afterburner available]]
*** [[New "virus weapon" worries police]]
*** [[New decoy proves a success]]
*** [[The missile that won't miss]]
**** [[Absolutely no meat content - guaranteed!]]
**** [[Adipose Aggro on Anhur]]
**** [[All-Stars do it again]]
**** [[Are you a deathball fan?]]
**** [[Are you as fat as a whale?]]
**** [[Are you bored by life?]]
**** [[Are you in search of lost childhood?]]
**** [[Are you weedier than an abandoned hydroponics unit?]]
**** [[Bad blood at friendly match]]
**** [[Bex authorities crack down on corporate expansion]]
**** [[Blakk is back]]
**** [[Boardgame LXXVII happens]]
**** [[Bored of being normal?]]
**** [[Bratjoy recall product line]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (1)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (2)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (3)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (4)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (5)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (6)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (7)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS bulletin (8)|CIS bulletin]]
**** [[CIS publish annual report]]
**** [[Can't make a rash decision?]]
**** [[Candid's camera]]
**** [[Carts of parts hit the marts]]
**** [[Chnauzer runs for president]]
**** [[Circus circus!]]
**** [[Civilian version of Freij craft released]]
**** [[Congratulations...]]
**** [[Convicts sign TeleVid deal]]
**** [[Defense Secretary resigns after sex shocker]]
**** [[Don't let dangerous insects bug you]]
**** [[Every winner loses!]]
**** [[For the gentleperson of taste... the timepiece of distinction]]
**** [[For the ser about system... the Tweedle Buckham VacSuit Deluxe]]
**** [[Gravel rash denied official status]]
**** [[H.O.C table controversial 'air rationing' plans]]
**** [[Hard?Cor! sign for startled]]
**** [[Have you ever wondered what human flesh tastes like?]]
**** [[High drama at pool championships]]
**** [[If your child hasn't got a Mutant Cosmic Thunder Samurai Newt...]]
**** [[Interplanetary Congress pledges more money for CIS]]
**** [[Is your beer holy satisfactory?]]
**** [[It's Caviare to the General...]]
**** [[It's Mountain O'Cash month!]]
**** [[It's easier for a rich man to get into heaven...]]
**** [[Jake Starr is going through hell...]]
**** [[Kershwin makes plea to single mothers]]
**** [[KriskArms nuys out ExTex]]
**** [[KriskArms present... the Femme Fatale]]
**** [[Maiden oeuvre]]
**** [[New 'cult law' is passed]]
**** [[New from Gagco...... the Kakotron 2000]]
**** [[New league record set in Gritley-Rascon game]]
**** [[New!!! from MegaGags!!! The Virtual Victim]]
**** [[New, from Pulchresse... the CosmoDrone]]
**** [[Objects of Antiquity present]]
**** [[Oh, what a performance!]]
**** [[Opi-Ola corporation present new brands]]
**** [[Party Chairman loses out in reshuffle]]
**** [[Peace Minister faces jail]]
**** [[Poll shows pop drop after enforcement bill]]
**** [[Rugby final marred by faulty player]]
**** [[Serra Magda Lyssom, your number's up]]
**** [[Sinners dinners]]
**** [[Sinoretti - the spirit of adventure]]
**** [[Statistics debate rages on]]
**** [[Suffering from uncomfortable seat sores?]]
**** [[Team Selachian win GroB preis]]
**** [[The answer comes from within for lottery winner]]
**** [[The beer that doesn't fart about]]
**** [[The boardgame that's got the whole planet talking...]]
**** [[This vegetable love will grow and grow...]]
**** [[Tour company loses compensation battle]]
**** [[Tragedy strikes rocket derby]]
**** [[Tyche present... the ultimate running shoe]]
**** [[Would you bet the family jewels?]]
**** [[Would you bet the family jewels?]]
* [[Would you like ice in that?]]
* [[Yes sir, that's high baby]]
**** [[You can win prizes!]]
**** [[You can win prizes!]]
* [[You wooden't believe it]]
**** [[You're in trouble...]]
**** [[You're in trouble...]]
* [[Youth gun craze confounds police]]
**** [[Yummiechow announce third quarter losses]]
**** [[Yummiechow announce third quarter losses]]
**** [[Yummiechow competition winners]]
**** [[Yummiechow competition winners]]
* [[Zak arrives on (planet)]]
* [[Zak brings the house down!]]
**** [[Zak says... 'No Butts']]
**** [[Zak says... 'No Butts']]
* [[Zebu herds feel the bite]]

== Databank Entries ==
== Databank Entries ==

Revision as of 01:49, 29 January 2011

This is a temp index page to organize Privateer 2 articles.

Ship Types

News Stories

Databank Entries