Moustachioed Mayhem on Hades

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Moustachioed Mayhem on Hades is a News Bulletin by Qarl Ferrik posted to the Commerce and Communications Network in 2790. The article denotes a 30% increase in the price of firearms on Hades.


Moustachioed Mayhem on Hades
Qarl Ferrik reports on hirsute horror
There were scenes of gunfire and chaos throughout the night on Hades yesterday, following the introduction of the highly controversial Moustache Tax. Groups such as Whisker Pride and the Razor Opposition League took to the barricades, protesting at the highly unfair tax which places a tax rate twice that of normal upon bewhiskered members of the populace. Over 7000 people have died in the orgy of destruction perpetrated by the bushy-lipped activists, and violence looks set to continue. Firearms prices are said to have risen considerably.