Animated Dogfights Set New Music Video Stage Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Bazooka Joe has published an interesting Wing Commander themed music video. It's three minutes of fighter scenes stitched together from Wing Commander Academy to the tune of "Know Why." Wing Commander fan videos like this were common a while back, but they've fallen out of vogue in recent years. It's not really clear what the theme or motivation for this clip was, but it's more than just the intro paired to random music. Someone spent some time editing together all the combat, so here it is for your viewing pleasure:
Wing Commander Know why music video

Get Your WC 3DO Cheats On Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Found a couple of Wing Commander-adjacent items at eStarland, which is a hidden treasure for retro gamers in Chantilly, Virginia. The ‘Game Guru’ is a Game Genie-style tool for 3DO games that specifically supports WC3! 3DO Game Secrets is a book with info on how to access the game's debug mode.

Super Wing Commander has a wicked debug mode.

DEBUG MENU: Go to the lounge screen. Press and hold the X button, then press B, B, C, C, A, A. You should hear a sound. Release the X button, press and hold the L and R buttons, then press the P button. The debug menu appears with a multitude of options.
Exit System Menu: Return to the lounge.
Change Sound Volumes: Change the volumes of every sound effect.
Change Music Levels: Change the volume of the background music at every point in the game.
Play Movie: Watch all of the game's video clips, including several that were removed from the game but left on the disc. (FILM.MOV and UID.MOV even have a live female actor.)

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Used Privateer 2 Comes with Patch Floppy... and More! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I found a copy of Privateer 2 on, of all places, Etsy! Here’s why used big box games can be so much fun... I grabbed this copy because I noticed a neat extra: a patch disk! The original owner had written to Origin and been sent a copy of the patch on a diskette. How could I say no to a Privateer 2 floppy?!

Upon receipt I discovered the original owner had saved some other treasures. Here’s the original receipt Fry’s (in January 97!) and the price tag and seal stickers. He must have been a fellow Thrustmaster fan: he filled out his own HOTAS control sheet and left an enticing joystick flyer (I want that simpit badly...). And he included all of his notes on commodity and ship pricing! Reminder: in any other situation, do not sell your handwritten lists of human organ prices on Etsy. Finally, this coupon for $10 off Wing Commander IV is pretty swank. And useful since I do buy a few copies of Wing Commander IV a year!
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Speedrunner Loses Wing Commander Even Faster Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

CirclMastr has previously set the record for the fastest winning and losing times for Wing Commander on the SNES. Now he's bested his previous run from Enyo through Hell's Kitchen by six seconds to 5:24. That might not seem like something to strive for to some, but finding the very fastest time from start to an endgame is a highly sought after milestone in the speedrunning community. Once you crunch this down smaller and smaller, shaving off seconds gets harder and harder! Check out the evidence here:

Spanish Privateer Nearly Completes Pre-FMV WC Collection Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Christian Klein has found Spanish translations of most of the Wing Commander games from the first few years of the series, so missing Privateer would be a big omission. But, he's managed to finally locate a copy so he can cruise the Gemini Sector en Español. It includes a full suite of translated documentation too, which is one of the coolest parts. Check it out below!
Woohoo! Another rare Wing Commander version to add to the archive. It's Privateer localized for Spain. I never saw one before. #DOSgaming

Abstract Art from South Korea Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Look at the Korean VHS of the Wing Commander movie! What the heck is that cover art?! This is what happens when the movie's Rapier is the most familiar looking object in the frame. Check out more international variants here.
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Looking Back at Confed's Space Force Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's been a lot of talk about the "space force" in the news lately, so we took a look back at the origins of the Terran Confederation Space Force. Where do they come from? Wing Commander's Space Force is a retcon! There's no mention of it in WC1 or 2. It was created for WC3 to explain why the earlier games used a mix of Army and Navy ranks (for instance, General and Admiral.) Here's the design doc that introduced the idea:

In lore, the Space Force seems to be a subset of the Navy. Blair and Maniac attended a Terran Confederation Space Naval Academy and then went on to receive specialized flight training at the Space Forces Flight School. Transfers between the two groups are possible. The Space Navy, then, seems to have developed from the United States Navy rather than some new branch of the military; the Terran Confederation Naval Academy on Hilthros continues many Annapolis traditions and is said to have an eight hundred year old honor concept. Here's the Space Force insignia on a Rapier; it was created as set decoration for the Wing Commander movie (where it wasn't strictly necessary as the film gave everyone Navy-style ranks.)
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Flat Universe Event Pushed Out Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Pilots who were looking to try their luck in this weekend's Flat Universe tournament will have to wait a little longer as they work through some lingering issues. The Maslas Brothers have pushed the competition out to next weekend to ensure they have a more stable build for everyone. While you're waiting, check out the Destiny's Way in-universe magazine for a glimpse into the backstory behind the game. Or you can stop by the CIC's Discord server and see what fellow Wing Commander fans are up to!
Dear WingNuts,

After several days of coding and a lot more of debugging we come to the position to postpone the event for next week (30/06/2018).

Although, we made credible efforts to package FlatUniverse, until this very moment the version suffers from instabilities and bugs that makes it just impossible to deliver on time of the event. We are Really, Really and of course Really sorry for the setback and we are open to change the date if next week is not good enough for the majority of you.

Thank you again for the understanding,

the MaslasBros

Flat Universe Tournament Fast Approaching Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The final countdown starts now for this weekend's big Wing Commander Flat Universe tournament. It happens at 16:00 UTC June 23-24, and interested players should register by Friday. There are some very cool multiplayer modes that will be deployed in the new version of the game and even a spectator mode. A few previously announced new ships will also be making their debut. Be sure to check it out!
Two days are left before we load our fighters with dangerous arsenals and start to hit each other with guns and missiles. What you already know is the date of the event (23rd/24th of June). What you don't, however, is the hour. We are really sorry for not being able to determine the exact time sooner, but we had to collect enough data from the Enlisted FlatPilots to make the best possible decision for every time zone out there. So let me enlighten you:

Red Flag 2678 starts at 16:00 UTC

Those of you who haven't had the chance or the appetite to pre-enlist to the event can still subscribe here until this Friday (22nd of June). If not registered, you are still welcome to come around with your friends and say hi on our discord channel, chat with other FlatPilots or play against your friends with the latest features that FlatUniverse will introduce to you in the upcoming version. Of course, you could always watch the Tournament matches as a spectator.

Furthermore, we are now in the position to announce some more of the upcoming features of the Tournament version of Flat Universe. For those who will participate on the event, brace yourselves for the following type of games:

  • 1 vs 1. Flying both pilots the same ship.
  • Faction 1 vs 1 (Kilrathi vs Confed). The available vs ship pairs will be announced by the FlatUniverse staff at the time of the match.
  • Team vs team. Flying both teams the same ship.
  • Faction team vs team (Kilrathi vs Confed). The available vs ship pairs will be announced by the FlatUniverse staff at the time of the match.
  • Crazy Challenges, like catch the fool with the Broadsword etc.
  • Spectator mode. As I mentioned before you will have the opportunity to watch every match you desire on the front row as a spectator.
Public chat will stop your loneliness. If you don't have anyone to play Flat Universe against, pass by and make some friends or foes. Daedalus station is coming back to life again with interactive animated menus, rooms and consoles, minefields, asteroid fields, and last but not least AI GUN Turrets.

We are very excited for this event and we are eager to burn to pieces some familiar faces out there this weekend.

Meet you inside our reticles,

the MaslasBros

Spanish Special Operations are Extra Special Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

After seeing the Spanish WC2 that Christian Klein recently acquired, the next natural question was whether DROSoft had also localized the Special Operations. The answer is yes, and it comes in an awesome double pack just like the Spanish Secret Missions! Both are in the same box with the game summaries translated side-by-side on the rear of the packaging. The contents within are fairly straightforward, but the combination of the two expansions makes this a very cool collector's item.

Join The Terran Confederation Space Force! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

FekLeyrTarg has released his mini Wing Commander fan film. It takes the form of a recruiting commercial that could be used during the Kilrathi War. There's a nice mix of assets here from a Privateer-style building to Sabre fighters to the hefty Rigakh class cruiser. The clip isn't long, but it's a great example of what kind of potential is out there. We encourage more people to create things like this!
Produced as part of a semester project, I proudly present: "Terran Confederation War Propaganda - A Wing Commander Fan Film" This short film was made to show some of the potential both for "Wing Commander"-based fan films as well as the classic meshes from the "Privateer 3D Archive".

WCSO Model Upgrade Pack Adds Comm Relay Station Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

DefianceIndustries has completed the first large scale base for the Secret Ops Model Upgrade Pack. This is a cool design, and the tiny little flight deck is a nice touch. In addition to making it much more detailed and gorgeous to look at, he's also significantly amped up the destroyability. There's potential to take out individual components for a future project, which is pretty neat. Enjoy the pictures!
Further updates! Got the first of the major stations imported: the Confed Relay. It plays a larger role than the other stations, especially in WCP where Blair lands on one only to get subsequently captured because Blair and Decker's marines apparently missed the 8-foot tall bug hanging out in the landing bay sipping a Mai Tai - or the obviously alien fighter which launches from the station from one of the two landing bays which are currently full of Tigershark and/or Hercules LC...oh well, it's best not to think too hard on it!

One of the other improvements to this mesh is that it now will actually be destroyed. The original simply replaced the destroyed components with...themselves! So really if you destroyed a relay in vanilla WCP or SO, it would basically just turn gray on the HUD and make exploding sounds (because the only hardpoints were in the mesh). I know, I know - it was never meant to be destroyed. But now it can be used in future projects (were someone so inclined) and it could be destroyed and actually look good.

There are two versions of it actually - I made an original version with a single destroyable mesh so as not to affect game balance, there is another version where the core, hangar, and individual antenna are separately destroyable - however the only way to totally destroy the relay on the second version is to destroy the core and the 4 antennae.

I also tested the docking pathing for WCP, the LC and Tshark land appropriately.

Happy Father's Day Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Many countries celebrate Father's Day today, and we know a lot of Wing Commander fans have recently become dads out there. My little one just turned 16 months old, and I'm happy to that see she grabs a controller and starts pushing buttons whenever she gets a chance.

The CIC is more of a news site than a blog, but it's also a community hub more than anything, and it feels right to share this personal story with the community. This Father's Day is a tough one for me because my Uncle Jim passed away yesterday.

The two of us used to play NES and Super Nintendo games frequently in the '80s and '90s. The Mario games were big, plus Zelda obviously, puzzle games like Tetris and Doctor Mario and Wing Commander on the SNES, of course. We learned together how to put together PC hardware and how DOS worked. Whenever one of us messed up a sound card jumper setting or couldn't get the drivers right for a game to run, we would call each other and work it out. I very fondly remember how eager we were to install Windows 95 when it arrived on a giant stack of floppy disks. He was very enthusiastic about new technology and helped put me on a path towards many of the cool techie things I'm engrossed in today. Plus, he'd recommend everything from books he thought I'd like to what the best shaving gear was. After my grandfather passed away when I was little, he was more of a father figure than anyone but my mom.

He had quite a story. As an underage teenager, he enlisted in the navy and served in the Pacific during World War 2. While going to school at the University of Washington, he worked 100-hour weeks for the gas company bringing heat to Seattle during the cataclysmic winter storms of 1950. And prior to retirement, he was an executive at Boeing, where I'm now a manager myself. His tales about how part of the city was on AC current and part on DC current when he was growing up were crazy, and the magnitude of technological change he witnessed in his lifetime is hard to imagine. Yet he was always so excited about what was coming next. He'd say that he wished he could come back in a hundred years and see all the amazing stuff we have then. A couple years ago at about age 90 I helped him set up his first smartphone - I hope I'm on top of the latest gadgets in the year 2070. Going back to the mid '90s, he gave me the computer that I used to get established in the online Wing Commander community, which I used to make my first Wing Commander website and eventually code the first pages here at the CIC. Had he not passed me down that machine, I wouldn't have been able to play Prophecy and Secret Ops when they were new with all of you. Who's to say if I would have been able to be engaged enough to help found the CIC, report news daily for the past 20 years, and make all of the lifelong friendships that I have. Life could have been very different.

So for helping make me the person I am today, so that I could be here helping keep the Wing Commander community going strong and being friends with all of you, Happy Father's Day Uncle Jim. I'll miss you very much.

The Attack Begins... Soon Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's tons of great Wing Commander fan projects out there, but it's not every day that we get a teaser for a new one. FekLeyrTarg has had a hand in quite a few different endeavors over the years, and his latest will be a new short fan film. Projects like these have been proposed a number of times over the years, but we haven't seen very many come to fruition. They have a lot of potential to be pretty cool, and FekLeyr even made a graphic to announce his reveal this Monday, so we're pretty excited to see what's to come!
On June 18 2018, 8 PM Zulu, a new short Fan Film is going to be released.

Wing Commander's Better than Super Mario Brothers Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Who knew IMDB made little video shorts? They've just posted a clip to celebrate the recent 25th birthday of the Super Mario Brothers movie. It talks a bit about why the film was the way it was and how it was critically panned. Wing Commander gets a funny cameo as the film that's actually ranked one better than Mario Brothers in the all time IMDB ranking of video game-based adaptations. Check it out here.

May 28, 2018, marks the 25th anniversary of 'Super Mario Bros.' The very first live-action adaptation of a video game, ever, was based on the hugely successful series that helped pull the gaming industry out of the 1983 crash. But when it came to its big screen potential, only one man had the vision, producer Roland Joffé.

Games on Film Covers Wing Commander Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Games on Film podcast has recorded an episode that's all about Wing Commander. They spend more than 80 minutes talking about the franchise's background and the environment that existed in 1999. Then the commentators spend quite a bit of time talking through the highs and lows of the film itself. One thing that sets this review/discussion apart from the cliche comments you frequently see is that they thought the space action was on the boring side but were actually intrigued by the Pilgrim angle. Since their focus is all about video games that have crossed over into theaters, they make a good point that FMV-centric series seem to have an inherently difficult time gaining acceptance since it's so easy to break with cinematic styles that their fans are used to. You can check out the full episode here.
Harry and Rory journey into the deep reaches of space - and the even deeper reaches of the DVD bargain bin - for the most anticipated science-fiction film of 1999 (at least for the members of the Freddie Prinze Jr. fan club): Wing Commander. We compare the cast of the movie adaptation with the stars of its FMV-featuring source material, while talking beanie hats, mini disc technology, and alien space cats. We also discover Harry's number one fear - and it's not being forced to sit through Wing Commander again! This podcast contains SPOILERS for Wing Commander (1999).

Listen to the 'Last of the Megacarriers' Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

FekLeyrTarg has a neat new audio treat for fellow fans. He's recorded a classic Star*Solder article to test out his new audio gear. If the story doesn't ring a bell, it's the one that details some of the exploits and fate of the final surviving Midway class megacarrier that fought in the Nephilim war. It's a very creative reading with music and sound effects layered in! You can find the original text on page 23 of the manual here.
In order to test my new semi-professional microphone and practice my skills in Adobe Audition, I produced an Audio Narration of "Last of the Megacarriers" from "Star*Solder", the manual of "Wing Commander Arena". This is the tale of the TCS Port Broughton, a Terran Confederation Megacarrier and sistership to the TCS Midway from "Wing Commander: Prophecy".

Check Out Spanish Wing Commander 2 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is turning into a series! Christian Klein has found yet another DROSoft localization for Spain. This time it's Wing Commander 2. This one has a long of box text to translate, and the small instruction pamphlet has a very cool design with watermark silhouettes of all the ships on it. Relatively speaking, there's quite a few copies of Wing Commander 2 out there, but not this version of it! Really cool find!
Thanks Spain! I recently found another neat Wing Commander 2 version to add to my small collection.

Vision Engine Reaches New Graphical Heights with Glowing Emit Maps Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

DefianceIndustries has shared some exciting news about another amazing graphical upgrade developed by the community. Pedro and PopsiclePete have helped implement emit maps that will allow for proper glow effects in Prophecy and Secret Ops. This is a huge win for a game that's highlighted by dark spaceships adorned with eerie lights. There's also some great benefits for regular spaceships too. Coming soon to a Secret Ops Model Upgrade Pack near you! isn't often we jaded MUP-pers get really excited over something, but this is one of those times. The dynamic graphical duo of Pedro and PopsiclePete have been hard at work performing dark magics and alchemy on the Open/GL patch and have given us a gift long sought after: Emit maps!

Up to this point we've had to be creative in how we do things like glowing windows and engines in the MUP. Kevin Caccamo 's awesome Wing Blender tools for Blender allow us to fake emitting surfaces by letting us use shadeless textures. But that means in things like capships we have to ensure that emitting surfaces are attached to other destroyable objects or fake it with a hidden CARGO chunk. Nephilim models were especially difficult because they aren't symmetrical. So we have to do really wacky stuff like use transparency functions on the windows and create a second "emit mesh" that lives just beneath the hull so when you view the model head -on the emitting mesh shows through the hull - and the emit mesh has to be attached as a destroyable chunk like CARGO so it can stop emitting once the ship dies. Because Vision inexplicably doesn't support destroyed base hull meshes or even texture swapping on a destroyed main object, some of this is still necessary. However for ships like corvettes and fighters, this is a huge win!

Why? a couple of reasons: 1) for some reason rounded objects like the engine on the barracuda (being one of the most obvious offenders) as well as the gun pods on the Nephilim fighters don't emit properly using the shadeless texture approach and 2) we are limited to selecting faces and creating shadeless materials for those faces - with proper emit mapping we can actually bake real glows onto the fighters and ships. Hangars can actually look like they're lit by the overhead lamps, hull around intakes can now properly render soft glows, etc. it will add a new level of visual enjoyment to the MUP.

Here are some new shots of everybody's favorite Maestro-killer - the Barracuda, using the new emit maps.

New Flat Universe Launcher Launches Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The updated Flat Universe launcher is now available! This is the first step in the release of a special edition of the game that will facilitate the upcoming WCFU tournament. There are some additional bug fixes and compatibility assurances available as a part of this, and the recently hinted-at new features should be coming soon. Grab the update for yourself and start practicing at Daedalus Station here. Here's the flatulence straight from the Maslas Brothers:
Uninstall the previous version and install the current. Upon launch, it will ask you to download two updates. After that, you are ready to play the old multiplayer version of Flat Universe. For the time being of course.;)

Let me point some of the basic bug fixes that have been made:

  • It is tested to install and work correctly on Windows 10 with UAC raised.
  • The Launch button activates only when all the patches are fuly installed.
  • The news slider updates correctly without caching old rss news.
  • FlatUniverse will Launch after the FULG is closed no matter what.
Everything of the above has been tested on Windows, Linux and Mac. Make your choice! I will come back with more tasty news soon regarding the upcoming Tournament version.

Until then,

Have fun!:)

the MaslasBros

Command & Conquer Rivals Announced Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

E3 2018 is unfolding over the next week, and Electronic Arts held its press event today to highlight its new games coming in the year ahead. Battlefield V and Anthem have stirred some of the most interest and look fairly neat. No new Wing Commander games seem to be on the horizon for 2018, but EA did announce another mobile Command & Conquer game, Rivals, in the "Clash Royale" style. It's streamlined significantly compared to classic RTS games, but the fast-paced style will probably prove to be pretty popular. It looks fairly sharp graphically, and there seems to be a bit of depth in the form of different commanders and a complementary suite of tactics necessary to win. We shared the news about Red Alert Online earlier this spring and spent a lot of time talking about how this franchise seems to keep bouncing back. It doesn't surprise me anymore, C&C has more lives than a Kilrathi!

Wing Commander Tracked Down in Multi-Game Guides Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I’ve been looking at the multi-game guide books that were popular in the mid-90s. This one has chapters on Wing Commander III and IV... but the very simple walkthrough only covers seven missions of the latter. These seem kind of silly today, but before the internet books like these were a neat way to find out about the games available for your system. They’re as much wishbook as they are hint book!

Prima updated this huge book of PlayStation game guides annually for years. Here’s WC3 and 4 still included the 2000 version!
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Flat Universe Teases New Ships, Effects, Weapons & More Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Fans getting ready for the upcoming Flat Universe tournament have noticed that the core game download has been temporarily suspended. This is in preparation for major updates set to launch soon that will be highlighted in the impending competition. On top of some major bug fixes, there will also be a host of new features and additions. It sounds really cool - I'll let the Maslas Brothers describe the specifics below. We'll be sure to share when the upgrade is available!
In a couple of days, we will release the final version of the launcher only which is going to be smaller in size and seriously debugged (No UAC problems, no compatibility bugs on Windows 10, no download loops etc). With the release of the new launcher you will, at first, be able to download the previous multiplayer version of Flat Universe, and during the weeks that will follow the launcher will upgrade you to the tournament release.
  • Two new light fighters to fly with given by DefianceIndustries. The Banshee and the Talon (the Retro version) with LOD, damage effects and custom cockpits as always.
  • The leech guns. With the introduction of the Banshee the Leech guns are also going to be available. Enjoy disabling your opponents and then take your time with them.
  • G-effects. Yup your pilot will fadeout on persistent hi G maneuvers.
  • Updated graphics engine with marvelous new explosions and damage effects.
  • Better calibrated Quality Selector that benefits the performance of the game on boxes with lower specs and capabilities. However, from now and on Windows XP will not be supported any more guys, we are really sorry for that.
This is just a taste of what is about to come. So stay tuned with this forum and Enlist Now! As always, thanks for the support and understanding.

the MaslasBros

Wing Commander Price Cut Arrives in GOG Summer Sale Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter has kicked off their summer sale and the Wing Commander series is on the list. The entire franchise is now 70-72% off, which ties the best deals we've seen in the past year. Each individual title is down to $1.79 and the whole package of all DOS & Windows games is just $13.42. Boxed games might be nice for the collection, but digital copies are really quick and easy to download and play. These also make great gifts!

Approaching Fralthi Target Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's a couple of striking Wing Commander Movie concept images from around LOAF's previous Cloud Imperium office. They feature the Broadsword and one of its primary foes, the Fralthi. Look closely and there's some interesting notes about how the reinforced bow could be used for ramming. We don't often see this tactic employed by Wing Commander capships - short of a rare last ditch self destructing maneuver - but it would be an interesting dynamic to add in to capship battles. Star Trek Discovery had a pretty impressive combat ram last year, and it'd be neat to see more of that.
Good old Broadswords; not fast, but they got you home safe.

Privateer Online's Commerce System Highlighted in Postmortems Preview Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Raph Koster has posted additional snippets from his upcoming book on video game development, Postmortems. This time he provides a glimpse into the incredibly ambitious economy that Privateer Online was supposed to include. This includes complex guild mechanics, a virtual stock market and an offline web-based interface for certain tasks. Pretty wild for the time! The 700 page paperback publication is still slated for June 26, but ebook editions are starting to trickle out. The B&N Nook version is already available at just $20.
Another feature of Privateer Online that arose out of its heavily commerce-oriented gameplay was its in-game stock market... which may not have worked the way you'd expect. Long before Farmville, MMOs were exploring asynchronous play. There were player vendors in UO, of course, but in Privateer Online we planned to extend that to a fully player-driven economy. I mean, we were trying to support mercantile gameplay via the web into an MMO server (and back out) in 1999... no wonder the game got cancelled, who knows what EA thought of that (they cancelled it in favor of Earth & Beyond).

Talon Highlights Upcoming Flat Universe Tournament Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Maslas Brothers have revealed DefianceIndustries' awesome Talon in the Wing Commander Flat Universe engine. It looks great! Every angle reveals more beautiful detail. This is also a reminder and plug for the WCFU tournament coming up in two weeks. Sign up now to participate in the multiplayer extravaganza scheduled for June 23rd & 24th.
Are you a religious man? We've got you covered. The wait is OVER! The F-38R Talon is here with this... spread the word... of the Lord!

You gonna fly this baby on the tournament June 23rd /24th of June.

Enlist NOW and Die by the very weapons you adore!

the MaslasBros

More Movie Variants for the Collection Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

More copies of the Wing Commander movie came today: first, a German budget DVD (with Titan AE) and a US VHS with Spanish subtitles! The Spanish subbed version of the movie’s box changes the description to be about how Freddie Prinze Jr. and Matthew Lillard are friends in real life. WEIRD!

And Betty, when you call me, you can call me PAL. It’s the UK VHS release of Wing Commander!
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