Flat Universe Teases New Ships, Effects, Weapons & More Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Fans getting ready for the upcoming Flat Universe tournament have noticed that the core game download has been temporarily suspended. This is in preparation for major updates set to launch soon that will be highlighted in the impending competition. On top of some major bug fixes, there will also be a host of new features and additions. It sounds really cool - I'll let the Maslas Brothers describe the specifics below. We'll be sure to share when the upgrade is available!

In a couple of days, we will release the final version of the launcher only which is going to be smaller in size and seriously debugged (No UAC problems, no compatibility bugs on Windows 10, no download loops etc). With the release of the new launcher you will, at first, be able to download the previous multiplayer version of Flat Universe, and during the weeks that will follow the launcher will upgrade you to the tournament release.
  • Two new light fighters to fly with given by DefianceIndustries. The Banshee and the Talon (the Retro version) with LOD, damage effects and custom cockpits as always.
  • The leech guns. With the introduction of the Banshee the Leech guns are also going to be available. Enjoy disabling your opponents and then take your time with them.
  • G-effects. Yup your pilot will fadeout on persistent hi G maneuvers.
  • Updated graphics engine with marvelous new explosions and damage effects.
  • Better calibrated Quality Selector that benefits the performance of the game on boxes with lower specs and capabilities. However, from now and on Windows XP will not be supported any more guys, we are really sorry for that.
This is just a taste of what is about to come. So stay tuned with this forum and Enlist Now! As always, thanks for the support and understanding.

the MaslasBros

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