Ach, Laddie Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Joe Garrity reports that John Rhys-Davies has been added to the list of DragonCon Guests! He played Paladin in Wing Commanders 3 and 4... DragonCon will take place the last weekend of August in Atlanta... and the CIC and Origin Museum will be on hand! If you'll be there, let us know and we'll party like it's 2669.
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Happy Birthday ace Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Happy birthday, ace Hyphen One! Actually, his birthday was yesterday, but I wasn't at home and didn't have my list and was stupid so forgot. So... happy belated birthday to one of the greatest guys there is. Wish him a happy birthday, please!
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The Good One Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Jetlag found a nice picture of the 'good' Wing Commander Movie poster -- the one DA designed but FOX refused to use in the US... I believe it was used in, at the very least, France and Spain. If anyone from either of those countries knows where people can buy copies, please let us know!
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You've Earned It! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Electronic Arts' latest revenue numbers have been posted to AVault. You can see the gory details here -- but, long story short, they lost $45.3 million this quarter... but damned if they didn't do it proactively!
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From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have a problem with a rogue pack of drunken Jincilla pirates harassing the space lanes just outside Bex, Nav Point #2. Most of our operatives are currently deployed elsewhere and we would appreciate your assistance in this matter. You are authorised to search and destroy all offenders. You must also prevent them from destroying any more civilian cargo ships.
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Trivia 3, Week 40 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This weeks trivia is the numerical designator for the Sabre, minus the numerical designator for the original Rapier plus the numerical designator for the Dralthi. I think.
Welcome to Game Three, Week Forty Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (August 5, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Answers to Questions for Week 39 (starting July 23, 2001):

Question 77: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged in a dogfight with a current/former/future wingman.
Answers Included: Various fights with Maniac, various fights with Jazz and the showdown with Hobbes.

Question 78: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged in a dogfight with Kilrathi Prince Thrakhath.
Answers Included: Fighting at K'Tithrak Mang and separate fights in 2669 very near the end of the Kilrathi War.

Bonus 39: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged a major capital ship, space station or planet without a wingman.
Answers Included: Temblor runs on planets like Kilrah, base assaults such as the attack on K'Tithrak Mang HQ and the incident where Blair lured a Snakier into Scylla.

New Questions for Week 40 (starting July 30, 2001):

Question 79: Describe a situation where a Confederation warship orbitally bombarded a planet.

Question 80: Describe a situation where a Kilrathi warship orbitally bombarded a planet.

Bonus 40: Who created a siege and threatened an orbital bombardment of all Pilgrim worlds and why?

Submissions are due by August 5, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

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Lifting Speed! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Wing Commander: Standoff site has posted the last of their Confed ships -- the Drayman. They also have available 1024x768 versions of all their other ships! Work on rendering other portions of the game now continues -- Kilrathi & civilian ships, landing scenes, briefing rooms and so forth.
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Glory Be Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

SX Glory, who we hope is back forever, posted to to ask the following...
What does anyone out there think would be the interest in an online comic book based in the WC Universe? I was thinking about getting a project together to do something along those lines, but I'd need a 2D artist (handling characters) and a couple of 3D artists (handling klayouts and backgrounds + flight sequences).
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Engage! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter is looking for anyone with experience modding Star Trek: Away Team... he's interested in starting a Wing Commander Total Conversion of said game, but has been unable to find any editing information. If you're in the know, drop him a line here!
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Old Quotes Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

LeHah sends in a bunch of old quotes from Malcolm McDowell and Mark Hamill...
Quotes from Mcdowell on WC3 and 4:

"That was very interesting. People were always talking about these CD-roms and I honestly don't understand it. When I was offered the part, with Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davies, I thought, 'I'll do it. Let's go try it and see what it's all about.' I'm very glad I did. It's really where film is going to be in the future. In other words, by computer they'll put in incredible backdrops. Want a starfield? Boom, there's a starfield. The technology changes every week. The only thing they couldn't do then, which they can now, is that we couldn't move or talk. You had to sort of be in one spot and they couldn't move the camera very much. Now, of course, they can do that, too." - Starlog 4/95


On 2/9/98 had a live chat with Mark Hamill. Some guy was there since he worked with Malcolm in WC III + IV + WCA and wanted to ask him about it. He answered my question on Malcolm. Here is what he said.

Someone else asked:

Were you asked to play the main role in Wing Commander Prophecy?

Mark Hamill: No, I sort of inherited the old geezer role from Malcolm McDowell.

Host: You mentioned Malcolm McDowell before, here's one, "What's Malcolm McDowell like to work with?"

Mark Hamill: Hysterically funny. He's hell bent on making you laugh and it's very difficult to look him in the eye. And if he can't make you laugh he'll reach down your pants and teach you.

Host: Eh, front or back?

Mark Hamill: Anywhere. He'll do something to make you go aaaaagggghh before you're supposed to so you'll have to do it like before. But, he is wonderful. I mean if you are doing over shoulder, on mike close ups he's off camera going (mouths 'I love you' and makes kisses, much laughter) to you. You know, I really enjoyed working with the guy because I like to have a lot of fun at work. Even if you get mad and say 'you've got to take that seriously' you know you can use it and that's real swell.

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From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have a rather unpleasant situation on our hands. The Jincilla clan has discovered at least two of our undercover operatives and are holding them at Nav Point 149. The hostages are being held in cargo containers while their fate is being decided. Whatever that fate is, you can be sure it will be extremely unpleasant. We want you to go in and rescue the hostages and destroy the pirate supply ship. Get in and out as quickly as possible. It is likely that the pirates will attempt to terminate the hostages once youa re detected. FInally, we have an undercover CIS operative in a Jincilla Skull ship there ready to help you. Do not kill him by mistake!!
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From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

A CIS military transport hauling a shipment of experimental bio-enhancers has been hijacked and captured by Jincilla pirates. We are sure they are planning to take the shipment back to a hidden base they have somewhere on the Massanas Moon at Nav Point #109. We believe it impossible to retake the ship, and are therefore authorising her destruction, take her out before she lands. Also, be warned, the escort ships with her are under Jincilla control and will attack.
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More Movie Clothes Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's another for you rare item fans to check out... the movie crew shirt! These were given to everybody who worked on the Wing Commander Movie... The interesting thing? The patch is actually stitched -- odd, since they used cheap iron-on patches in the movie itself.

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Flame On! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's an odd request: Kinnear wants to know if anyone can help him make a decent flamejet... for a big Wing Commander project! As far as I know, a flamejet is the sort of thing you find in but if you know different, drop him a line ASAP!
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From: Kain Borman, Kraven Technologies Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Personal E-Mail to Ser Lev Arris
Ser Arris, I have a very delicate situation in which I require your assistance. I am due to be doing a presentaiton to our board of directors tomorrow, on a new experimental Force Projector, to punch holes in the biggest of capital ships. My problem is that the bitch I slept with las tnight was hired by a rival TechnoCorp and has downloaded all my data on the product locally and run off to Massanas. That data, if it falls into the wrong hands, could not only cost me my job but countless lives as well. Catch her in Massanas local space, waste her and collect her package. Drop it in Crius local space. I'll pick it up.
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Free as a Space 2 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

15th Rampage has kindly sent us the URL for his FreeSpace 2 TC, Black Lance. You can read all about it at The team plans to create three chapters of ten missions each, along with two different endings. The game takes place before Prophecy and after WCIV, and will include many ships from WC1 through 4! Check out these screenshots!
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New Mailbag Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

That's right, it's time for another one of our bi-annual monthly mailbags! Laugh, cry and be terrified at how stupid some people are right along with us! Check it out here... or, well, I'LL RIP YUOR ASS OFF COLLAGE BOY!
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Contest Delayed Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Due to popular demand (you all forgot to make your lists!), the Wing Commander names contest has been extended... until August 5th! You've got all that time to list as many Wing Commander characters as possible -- and we'll periodically remind you this time. It gets better, though -- there'll be a second prize that will definitely be given out! Check back in a few days to find out what I can throw together... (the winners will be announced on the CIC Birthday!).
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A Day in the LOAF Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I'm off to some other state for the weekend (Penn-something, the one with the chocolate), so I'm leaving the news on autopilot... but check back for the usual weekend fair, along with pictures of a shirt! Wow!
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From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

CIS Intelligence has learned of a planned attack on one of our Munitions Depots. Currently the majority of CIS forces are occupied elsewhere. We request your assistance in the defence of this facility at Nav Point 149. The main targets of the attack will be the cargo vessels. Defend them at all costs. This facility must not fall int pirate hands.
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Hey, Waterloo Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Eder has reached his Waterloo... and boy, did it come out looking great! Wing Commander: Standoff is coming along very well visually! Eder is now working on the Drayman model... and he's decided to name the mod's main cruiser the TCS Reims. Invasion vet Ladiesman is now helping with the story.
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Bengals Expand Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Three more shots of the Bengal from the Fleet Action web site! The FA guys are working with the possibility of doubling the size of capships to help the scale look better...
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Conquest In Time! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Wing Commander Saga web site has been updated with a great new layout! Check it out at This is especially timely since Conquest, the game it seeks to mod, has just gone gold!
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UE Missions Onward Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Unknown Enemy has posted a status report... they're working hard on writing new missions for the game -- Pedro has finished his first two missions, #4 and #6. He's working on #7 as we speak! All but two of the games models have been converted into WCP format... and they're waiting on three more missions. It can't be long now!
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WCZone Gets More Interesting Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

News from the front is that the Penspinner is working on a Wing Commander Armada style turf event for the Wing Commander Zone... that will involve capturing star systems! The niftykeen SubSpace mod also now has an official chatroom... you can ham it up with Filler and company in #WCZ on the DALNet.
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Jacinta Update Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Zero posted an update on his Jacinta engine project to his message board... lots of technical details a la Vega Strike.
I thought I should bring to the attention of anyone who's going to be using the Jacinta midgame engine of what I plan on doing wiht charactors and objects.

Basically Silhouettes are background objects for other objects. They're added to the full background in a mode yet to be determined - probably ADD or SUBTRACT (who knows, might be XOR, I'll have to do some testing before I decide). But what it basically allows is for you to have semitransparent backgrounds, such as shadows, on a charactor. So that you don't have to have a 50% pixellated area or something to do transitional shades... so you just add the silhouette first... then add the charactor or object on top. Main reason for doing this was that charactors were gonna look crap if there were just a sharp edge where they blend with the background... so I wanted some way of shading them and providing shadows for them.

Anyway, yeh, that's about that. I'll let peoples know as soon as I know which merge mode they're going to use... I may even make it a selection.

Dev will be slightly slow for the next few days at least until I get my replacement HDD.

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For the Musically Inclined Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Cory L. Fujimori checked in to let us know that he's made some minor fixes to his Wing Commander Surf Music Guitar Tab. You can see it here. I swear I'm going to learn to play so I can use this thing...
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From: Anonymous@Crius.Net Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Local planetary officials are returning from an off-world conference and it is thought that the Kindred might attempt to assassinate them before they reach the planet. Rendezvous with the shuttles as they jump in-system at Bex (Nav Point #2) and escort them to a safe landing.
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Score One for Soundtracks Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Everybody's wondering about the status of the Wing Commander Sountrack CD... because, lets face it, we don't have much else to do. Luckily, LeHah checked with the Fatman, and the word is: "It's almost all assembled.". Hurrah!
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Heck of a Hat Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

LeHah sent in these pictures of his Wing Commander Movie visual FX team hat... these hats were given out to the team of people at DA in Austin who did the movie's 3D renderings and such. Pretty cool!
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Manta Book? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Syd Mead's official site is selling a large glossy coffee-table book of the artists work -- which apparently includes a segment on Prophecy! Mr. Mead is credited as 'Visual Futurist' on Wing Commander Prophecy -- he helped design a number of the Nephilim ships, including the Manta. It's pretty darned expensive ($50)... so I've ordered a copy and will let you know just what it entails when it arrives!
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Comics Ensue Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

No Remorse sends us an altered comic in the style of those HotT did a while back... he writes: "I've made that. This is a modified "historieta" of Mafalda, a comic character of Quino... Enjoy !" Neat!
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From: Senator Noram Blagger, Anhur Gov. HD. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Personal E-Mail to Ser Lev Arris.
Please Ser Arris, you are my only hope. My ten year old daughter has been kidnapped by some maniac who has her floating around in a cargo pod somewhere. I have paid his ransom, but he has not brought her back to me. Instead, he has sent me a mail demanding that I hire you for this mission. Fly to Nav Point #36 and pick up a pod in which he will giv eyou instructions on how to find her.

For the love of god, please help me.

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Invasion Beta Released! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wing Commander Invasion has released their second faction Beta -- the Nephilim! The beta patches in the entire Nephilim fleet... If you've got Star Trek: Armada, you can grab the new mod here. It's sure to thrill and amaze -- submit interesting screenshots here.
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Interview with a... Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

WildCat over at the WCDC has interviewed... me -- the CIC's LOAF. You can read the session here, in which I talk about... well, nothing in particular.
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Help Make a Raptor Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Cmdre Crane Seccafien is looking for someone to render a Centurion model, a New Constantinople style space station and a Raptor in Secret Ops format for his project -- if you can help, go post to this thread at the CZ. Whatever he's working on sure sounds interesting...
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Rambling Reference Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Ladiesman found a Wing Commander reference in an unlikley place... in a year-old review of Playmates' Simpsons action figures over at IGN Toys. Check out the last picture in this article. Remember Playmates' Star Trek toys? Man, those were cool.
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From: Ser Arl Shoeyer, Shoeyer Industries Inc. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Personal E-Mail to Ser Lev Arris.
Listen tough guy, an associate at Sinners tells me you're the man I talk to if I want a job doing properly. I got this situation see, this little rat weasel that worked for me has done a runner with a big lump of change, straight out of my account. Little bastard robbed me, after I got rid of him. I want you to go to Nav Point #20 find his ship and ice the scumbag. I'd do it myself but I go the CIS all over my ass and I don't need the heat. I'll warn you tough guy, I won't tolerate screw ups.


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Trivia 3, Week 39 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

So begins... Week 39 trivia! (The very same page of the Confederation Handbook advertises a Neural Massage... coincidence? I think not!)
Welcome to Game Three, Week Thirty-Nine Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (July 29, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Note that not all week 38 answers have been scored yet. This should be done by the end of the week.

Answers to Questions for Week 38 (starting July 16, 2001):

Question 75: What is the contemporary name of a world or system once controlled by the Pilgrims?
Answers Included: Faith & Peron

Question 76: What is the contemporary name of a world or system controlled by the Steltek at some point in time?
Answers Included: Mars & Delta Prime

Bonus 38: What is the contemporary name of a world or system controlled by the Firekkans besides Firekka? Hint: It was also in the Antares Quadrant.
Answers Included: T'kirsa

New Questions for Week 39 (starting July 23, 2001):

Question 77: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged in a dogfight with a current/former/future wingman.

Question 78: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged in a dogfight with Kilrathi Prince Thrakhath.

Bonus 39: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged a major capital ship, space station or planet without a wingman.

Submissions are due by July 29, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

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From: Buddy Carlson, Dynamite Productions. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Listen Ace, here's the pitch. I produce a show called "Space Jox", where we get hot shots like yourself to re-enact feats of great heroism and all that other cool stuff. The problem is that my regular stuntman was turned into space dust on the last gig, freak accident, how was I meant to know he suffered from blackouts? Anyway, if you are interested meet me at Nav Point #44, I'll be setting up the rig.

Ciao Baby.....

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From: Com-Link Communications Ltd. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Due to a recent attack, one of our radar stations was badly damaged, causing some crates containing extremely expensive, delicate compoments for our latest satellites to drift out into space. These must be retrieved, as they have taken years to develop, and the future of the company is relying on the sales of this technology to stay in business. We have tracked the equipment and have their co-ordinates, which we will transmit to your computer upon accepting the mission, to prevent our rivals from finding out where they are. Can you help us?
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From: Sat-Nav Installations Ltd. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We are in need of a brave and reliable pilot to help to protect one of our new satellite installations which is being constructed at Nat Point #176. The task is nearly complete, so we can't afford it to be attack whilst we arrange full-time protection for it. There are some security patrollers at the installation, but they wouldn't hold out against an attack for long. We will pay you well, if you complete the task.
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From: Head of Operations, ES:Ferix Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have recently had an intolerable amount of attacks on our cargo ships, as they travel between the planet Leviatha (Nav Point #116), and our Equipment Station (Nav Point #116). It is essential that these ships arrive at their destination intact, so that we can continue to produce high quality equipment for the miners on the planet. We require a skilled pilot to escort a ship from Leviatha, to our equipment station, to ensure it has a safe journey. Any attackers must be taught a lesson.
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From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There are an unsavory bunch of louts from the planet Hermes, known as the Good-Time-Gang, who are bringing in a load of drugs, pleasure borgs, and beer so that they can continue with their lives of drugs, debauchery, and the corruption of our innocent young daughters. Its about time that we put a stop to this, and we are confident that you will enjoy disposing of this vermin. We're offering a very large sum for this. Its an offer you can't refuse. They were last seen at Nat Point #15.
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From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is an emergency! The Papogod pirates have managed to capture one of our capital ships, board it and kill the entire crew. It is only a matter of time before they are able to override the ship's computer and find out the access codes to our computers, revealing all sorts of classified information to them. You must go to Nav Point 20 and destroy the vessel, along with any enemy ships in the area, which may have had the codes transmitted to them. They may also have erected some defences, so be careful.
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From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have a Prison transporter ship which is on its way to Hades to drop off its 'load'. It has two escorts which have picked up an unusually high pirate presence in the area, and are worried about being attacked. We need an experienced pilot to go and escort the ship, and help out in case of an attack on it. If you are up to the job, we'll make it worth your while. We'll transmit the co-ordinates to your computer upon accepting, for security reasons.
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Amazing Monocolor Shirt Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Check out this item which was auctioned on eBay yesterday... apparently it's the Mag Force 7 equivalent of a 'team shirt' -- given to the people who helped make the Wing Commander CCG! It's not everyday that a shirt adds information to the Wing Commander Universe...
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Amazing List Game! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

... aka Win Ben Lesnick's Crap! If you can list more Wing Commander Characters in one week than I can... then you'll win some fairly pointless stuff! Here are the rules:

Players have one week to list as many Wing Commander characters as possible -- they can work together if, for some reason, they want to share the prize.

Unique names (Vance Richards) and 'personal' callsigns (Maverick) count -- references to people without names (Maestro's father) and mission specific callsigns (Drake Two) do *not* count. Double names count if you can prove that they are different people. Fictional WC universe people (Luna Jones) do *not* count, but aliases do (Geof Kane) when no other names exist. Fan fiction doesn't count. Real people mentioned in WC (Benedict Arnold) do *not* count, but WC people with the same names as real people *do* count (Chris Roberts).

If any names are disputed (by anyone), the person submitting them must be able to prove where they come from.

Everyone must submit their list of names to Cpl Hades ( on next friday -- he'll determine the winner and post their list here.

The winner (if there is one) gets an exciting gift pack including a *sealed* SNES WC1, one of those things you hook a palm pilot to (a hotsynch cradle), a half-used box of thumb-tacks, A Talent For War: The Book and whatever the hell other crap I find when I'm cleaning out my desk.

Start your engines!

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DragonCon Report Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

DragonCon is America's largest Sci-Fi convention... and we're going to be there. Three CIC staff members -- LOAF, Cpl Hades and Death -- are making the trek... and the Origin Museum crew will have a table with various amazing things displayed. So what about you? It's Labor Day weekend in Atlanta... and we'd love to have you join our party. If you'll be around, drop me a line! All the fun and thrill of arguing movie versus games in real life!
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A Day in the LOAF Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Well, we always knew this day would come... thanks to the fact that the phone company is really really stupid, I won't be online for a whole weekend (the guy they send to look at our ISDN line didn't have an ISDN test kit... so he called and told them to send someone with said kit -- and then when the second person showed up, he didn't know how to use an ISDN test kit (but he did have one, by gum)! Anyway, the long and the short of it is that I'm screwed -- and that I can't update the CIC this weekend... luckily, since I used to be blind, I can see the future and predict news. Uhm, but don't blame me if it's especially boring until monday...
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A New One Already? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

HellcatV sends us a copy of the Readme for VegaStrike 0.0.7 Alpha...
Welcome to Sol, this latest release contains the entire Sol system, home system to the Terran Confederation! there will be some revisions and additions, but until then this is it.
  • REAL Asteroid belts, which will soon have AI.
  • Planets with correct orbits and realistic textures.
  • A huge sun with detailed textures in cluding hotspots.
  • WC style physics with afterburn slides.
  • Programmable AI for complex functions like Shelton sliding, rolls, loops, and kickstops.
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Sound-Engineer Off Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Jetlag reports that a company called Palestar Development is working on a space-based MMPOG (DarkSpace)... and that the "President/Programmer", Richard Lyle, has worked on Super Wing Commander, Wing Commander III and Kilrathi Saga.
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WingCenter Opens! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Patrik Nordsiek asks that we update about the opening of a new site -- promises to provide Wing Commander news and information in German! A definate help to a community which includes a significant portion of German-speakers...
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Big Changes for Vega Strike! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

HellcatV checks in with the latest major updates to the Vega Strike engine project!
And you thought big improvements weren't possible with all the changes that have come recently with Vegastrike. Thanks to another full time programmer, my brother Patrick, Vegastrike is as healthy and sparkling as ever. He completely revamped the star system code to support space stations, multiple independent suns, and asteroids. Soon to come are jumppoints! Additionally there are tons of small but wonderful changes including some editors from Thomas, one of the greatest benefactors of the WC fan universe... Another of my changes was making the field of play just 1,000 times bigger (instead of having ships disappearing only 100 meters away) increases playability a lot!!! Here's a summary from my website:
  • AI is almost complete. Currently I have a scripting ability that lets you:
    • Execute any command for x seconds
    • Turn towards something (an object or a location in space)
    • Match speeds with something
    • Move to a location
    • Orbit a location
    • Combine movement and turning.
  • This enables us to do afterburner slide for instance! Face 90 degrees off enemy path while engaging afterburners to that direction; then turn to target for x seconds.
  • Additionally the space of the arena was increased one thousand-fold from the lame 100 meters. Now ships can be truly far off until they shrink into specs of dust.
  • Orbiting of planets was fixed so they turn the correct way with respect to textures
  • Star systems may now have asteroids, multiple suns, and space stations! Thanks to Patrick!
  • Collision was fixed to be fast for large objects greater than 200 meters on a side (eg planets) (it used to be slow if ships were too big)
  • Units can now orbit planets (asteroids, space stations, etc)
  • code has been started to split the world into factions.
  • Thomas Bruckner has aided us with a wonderful ship converter from .pof format. He's thinking of making the prophecy ship editor work with vegastrike! What a treat that would be!
  • Unfortunately I'm going to be away for a week and a half starting 7-19-01
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Jump In! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

JumpGate, supposedly the closest thing to Privateer Online on the market, began its commercial run today in Europe... European players can download the client and play for free for five days! A North American release is expected soon.
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Again With The Lack of P2 Updates? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Unfortunately, my ISDN line at home is deader than Steven Petrarca's career -- so P2 updates are once again delayed as I can only update from work (as well as most LOAF related correspondences). We'll have a big day with lots of them soon, hopefully.
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Fleet Action Updated! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Voidsurfer has great news for Homeworld fans -- an update (albeit unofficial) for the Fleet Action mod has been released! Read on...
Former project leader Scheherazade converted the Vesuvius and Victory into the game on his own time. He was willing to let me post them for download, as long as I considered them to be an unofficial release. The download is seperate from the primary mod, and requires the previous 9/14/00 release for the other ships.

Also available for download is a gfx pack contributed by NapoleonGH. He tweaked stat files so the ships would fired appropriately colored weapons when the changes were combined with a prexisting weapon gfx pack by CnlPepper for a B5 Homeworld mod. Napoleon also included a B5 hyperspace gfx pack by Crook. Napoleon's pack requires both the 9/14/00 official release and the new unofficial release.

Newcommander is working on several more ships, such as the Krant featured in a few screenshots at our site.

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WCZone Updated! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's also good news for SubSpace fans -- here's word from Filler on changes to WCZone...
It's been a while, but WCZ is warming up again :) Penspinner is working on a special map for a future turf flagging event. Also, I've changed the attaching rules. From now on it is possible to attach to any ship. Carriers will allow 10 turrets each. Bombers 2 and the rest 1.
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Trivia 38 Week Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If this weeks trivia were a page in the Privateer manual, it'd describe the purpose and use of Ship Dealers.
Welcome to Game Three, Week Thirty-Eight Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard that will be up soon. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (July 22, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Answers to Questions for Week 37 (starting July 9, 2001):

Question 73: Name the person that said, "You should take longer breaks, kid." Hint: It was said on the Concordia.
Answer: Zach "Jazz" Colson

Question 74: Name the person that said, "Where are your priorities, son? Consider yourself lucky to get four days... we've got a war going on here." Hint: It was said on the Victory.
Answer: William Eisen

Bonus 37: Name the person that said, "Looks like you're on your own now, Colonel. For what it's worth. I'm proud I flew with you..." Hint: It was said in an Excalibur.
Answer: Todd "Maniac" Marshall

New Questions for Week 38 (starting July 16, 2001):

Question 75: What is the contemporary name of a world or system once controlled by the Pilgrims?

Question 76: What is the contemporary name of a world or system controlled by the Steltek at some point in time?

Bonus 38: What is the contemporary name of a world or system controlled by the Firekkans besides Firekka? Hint: It was also in the Antares Quadrant.

Submissions are due by July 22, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

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From: Unable to ID: Signal Encypted Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I am from a certain underworld organisation, which I'm sure you need no introduction to. One of our ships was destroyed, and we require someone to go and pick up 2 packages which were jettisoned from it seconds before it exploded. There's no need to know the contents, and you will be rewarded well for your discretion. Watch out for others who may want to get their hands on the package. We will transmit the Nav Points to your computer upon accepting the mission.
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We're Nuts Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

#WingNut now has a webpage... thanks to Kris, you can find it here. If you're a regular -- or thinking about becoming a regular -- submit a bio ASAP!
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Trivia Reminder Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Hey, remember trivia? You'd better -- it's due tonight! Get your responses to Chris Reid so he can score them and post new questions on Monday morning.
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Jacinta Works Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Zero reports that his Jacinta engine project can now display WC3 scenes... which means that he can actually create working scenes, complete with objects and hotspots. You can read more about the project at his board here.
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Go, Us! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Eldar-colonel reports that we've won's Best Site Award... neat! Quote: "The CIC is the best Wing Commander news source around. And even with no official Wing Commander projects in the works is going strong. Their site is comprehensive, well run and packed with information. They very much deserve this weeks best site award, check em out!!" Thanks! They're also running an interview with the creator of WCU, which can be read here.
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A Real Classic?! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

John Childress reports that Wing Commander Prophecy is featured in this week's edition of GameSpot's Game Collector column. We're getting old...
Prophecy is the fifth installment in the famous Wing Commander series, and the most visually impressive. As rookie Confederation pilot Lance Casey, you're engaged in a massive deep-space war against a new alien threat. You'll take out massive cruisers and transports, and you'll encounter immense battleships armed with devastating weapons. The game introduces new characters and has some old favorites, such as Mark Hamill as Christopher Blair and Tom Wilson as Maniac.
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CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have detected a large convoy of cargo ships, which we have been tracking since they left Anhur, and look as though they are on their way to Karatikus (Nav Point #0). We would like a neutral pilot to go and ID the ships, as it is not in our best interests to fly so close to a pirate convoy. If you discover any of the ships to be carrying illegal goods, they must be destroyed before they reach Karatikus. Do not kill the innocent passenger ships, and be sure to keep an eye out for escorts. The convoy was last seen at Nat Point #25. If any pirates try to escape in space-suits, capture them and take them to the CIS destroyer off Hades, for questioning.
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All Fired Up Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Three new screenshots were recently posted to the Vega Strike home page... and here they are! They show off the new releases ability to fire weapons.
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That's Just Odd Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

From Ladiesman: "Hey! I took a trip to the USS Intrepid in New York, and took a picture of the CIC. I turned it into an ad for THE CIC. I've sent it along with this. It's corny, yes, but I was bored..."
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From: Military Prison Pits, Hades. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have a delicate, rather embarrassing matter which needs swift, discrete action. Three criminals who were due to be sent to the pits for murder, stealing, and destruction of CIS property, have managed to poison their guards and escape, each in a ship. They must be stopped before they commit more crime, and our reputation is damaged. They were last spotted at Nav Point 20.
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From: Jelwar Kubani, on the CIS Cruiser, Excalibur. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have received information that the Chirichan pirates have managed to smuggle a large weapons shipment into the Tri-system. This shipment must be destroyed at all costs, to prevent them from becoming a major player in the inter-clan wars, with the inevitable threat of more innocent lives lost. We'll transfer the co-ordinates to your computer, if you accept the mission.
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Vegastrike 0.0.6 Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The latest version of Vegastrike has been released -- version 0.0.6 is now available! VS is an all-new Wing Commander engine which will form the basis for a number of other fan projects. Here's commentary from HellcatV on the new release...
Finally I have enabled weapons so that spacebar now fires!

This release also shows the glowing engines... they'll soon dim as you lower the throttle, but right now they're just decorations :-)

I have made some major improvements to AI and am proud to announce that some of the critical low level AI functions are complete! This means that in a matter of weeks we might have an active enemy that will fight against us!

Vegastrike is coming to fruition! Check out the latest release, and if you want to change the information about lasers (such as speed, range and radius) you might wish to edit the weapon_list.xml Add your own weapons and put them on the hornet.xunit :-) both open in notepad!

Good luck all!

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HotT Water Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's some more... ah... aquatic HotT art. Call me crazy, but I absolutely love the Cerberus one.

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Correction: UE Screenshots Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I need to take a moment to apologize to the Unknown Enemy team for posting the wrong screenshot yesterday -- Pedro asked me not to post the intro shot in the package he sent me... which I assumed was a scene of a Bengal with some text. Apparently that was the wrong picture, to clarify the misunderstanding.
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From: Military Emergency Control HQ Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have had a distress message from some ships that have been caught in the middle of a fight between two rival pirate clans. The area is also very busy with other space traffic and as word of the fight spreads, more pirates will come to join in. You have the unenviable task of taking out the pirates. It is a very challenging task, but the reward will be a large sum. This is taking place at Nav Point 20.
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A Whale of a Graphic Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

After a bit of time away from the news, HoTT is back with new fan art! First, read his explanation of the piece...
I like playing music when I'm playing games like WC and StarLancer. Classical music, some piano, Disney soundtracks. One night, I was playing the "Fantasia 2000" soundtrack while playing WC4. That's when I came up with this image. I hope you like it as well.
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A Great Day Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today's update will be guest-written by Frosty... because he's very, very sarcastic. Very...
Today I recieved Game Informer issue number one-hundred in the mail, and while studying their "10 Years of Game Informer" article, saw a Wing Commander mention that brought a tear to my eye and fulfilled my soul.

1990-"Wing Commander is released for the PC, and becomes one of the most influential space combat simulators to ever hit the PC gaming community."

Oh rapture! Finally, WC gets the caliber of recognition it has always deserved. Why, just the other day I said to myself, "I wish a world-renowned media monster like Game Informer would take the time to spit out a limited one-line speck of information about WC in a spotty videogame history timeline!" What's more, this blurb is on the same page as "In the blink of an eye, Tengen releases Pac-Man, Gauntlet, and RBI Baseball with uniquely styled black cartridges." To think such a well-respected publication ranks WC up there with the introduction of black NES game carts as one of the "100 defining moments in video game history" is truly breathtaking.
Naturally they fail to mention WCs which are arguably more important, such as WC3 and SO.
The blurb is on page 52 of the August 2001 issue of Game Informer magazine, in the "100 Defining Moments in Video Games" sub-article.

Everyone should add it to thier WC collection!


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From: Military Emergency Control HQ Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have received a mayday signal from a civilian ship who has drifted close to Nav Point #192, a sector renowned for its pirate presence. The ship needs protection until the owner has had time to repair his engines. He is a wealthy man and we're sure that the reward for protecting him and his family will be a handsome one.
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From: Military Emergency Control HQ Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have received a distress call from a ship at Nav point #80, who seems to need assistance. It was hard to make out any of the details due to a very poor signal, which broke down completely towards the end of the message. If you decide to help this ship, please use caution, as there is no knowing what is out there.
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Get Well Soon, Joe! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Joe Garrity, curator of the Origin Museum and good friend to the CIC is suffering from a burst appendix... he'll be allright, but he's in pain and it was probably pretty dashed scary for a while. He'll be recovering for quite a while... so give him an e-mail or drop a note at his wwwboard to cheer him up! Hope you feel better soon!
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Can't We All Just... Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's a lot of pointless personal conflict that drags down any online community -- from something as understandable as Ultima Online to something as pointless as webcomics. The Wing Commander fanbase is sadly no exception. Read this article to find out why we're not going to take it anymore.
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WDCD's Back! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The WCDC is back -- once again providing a comprehensive resource for promoting fan projects... they offer downloads and 'how to' style tutorials tailored for the hard-working fan project worker. To start, they've posted a new article titled "How to Convert a Model to the Vision Engine". Heady stuff!
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HCl is Back! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

HCl is back! And he's done some pretty amazing work... you can download a Wing Commander 3 quick mission editor by him here... but even more impressive, he's patched Secret Ops to run in 800x600 and 1024x768 graphic resolutions! Here and here respectively... it's a whole new game!
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From: The Privateer 2 Update Is Missing! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Hey, where's the Privateer 2 update?! Unfortunately, I'm doing the news from work today -- and I forgot to forward myself my list of P2 missions. So if you're waiting for a new P2 mission... you're out of luck. But I promise a double-dose tomorrow, for all those who love them ever so much (we know who you are, Gary).
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Trivia 3 Week 37 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If you put a CF-131 and a Proxima Spaceworks Errant in a line, you'll have this trivia.
Welcome to Game Three, Week Thirty-Seven Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard that will be up soon. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (July 15, 2001) to insure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Answer to Questions for Week 36 (starting July 2, 2001):

Question 71: What is a piece of technology refined in the 2630's that changed the balance of power, and how did it do this?
Most Common Answer: Shield Penetrating Torpedoes shift power from Battleships to Carriers.

Question 72: What is a piece of technology refined in the 2650's that changed the balance of power, and how did it do this?
Answers Included: Cloaking Technology causes the loss of the Tiger's Claw and prevents a critical strike on K'Tithrak Mang from being executed for ten years, among many other effects.

Bonus 36: What is a piece of technology refined in the 2660's that changed the balance of power, and how did it do this?
Most Common Answer: The Temblor Bomb destroys Kilrah and eliminated the primary Kilrathi threat.

New Questions for Week 37 (starting July 9, 2001):

Question 73: Name the person that said, "You should take longer breaks, kid." Hint: It was said on the Concordia.

Question 74: Name the person that said, "Where are your priorities, son? Consider yourself lucky to get four days... we've got a war going on here." Hint: It was said on the Victory.

Bonus 37: Name the person that said, "Looks like you're on your own now, Colonel. For what it's worth. I'm proud I flew with you..." Hint: It was said in an Excalibur.

Submissions are due by July 15, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

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From: Military Emergency Control HQ Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have received a distress signal from two cargo freighters which have been infested with a computer virus. They are losing life support systems and engine power and are adrift. We want you to proceed to Nav Point #160 and protect the freighter until a military escort arrives, with the necessary anti-virus software to re-instate the freighters' systems.
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Trivia Reminder Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Get ready for Week 37 of agwc/CIC Trivia! What's the best way? Turn in your Week 36 answers to Chris Reid by midnight tonight so that new questions can be posted on Monday, of course!
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The Aces Want You! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Raptor is re-organizing the Wing Commander Aces mailing list... and would like to invite all who are interested in joining to e-mail him. Club members get HTL and MTV stories e-mailed to them as soon as they're made available... and so forth and so on. The Ace's are the largest, most popular WC club on the 'net -- aside from the SRA, which has a million billion members and a giant diamond studded space-carrier to beat people with.
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Happy Birthday! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Longtime CIC friend and Aces Club member Greywolf turns 21 today... have a good one, and enjoy ability to legally down Sukhar May'ya!
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From: Military Emergency Control HQ Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There is a battle taking place between the Papogods and ourselves, at Nav Point 149. The hostilities between us have been escalating for some time, and the inevitable showdown has finally come to pass. Unfortunately for us, we underestimated the strength of the pirates, and are currently outnumbered by approximately two to one. We are in need of a pilot with a lot of combat experience and a good ship, to help us out until reinforcements arrive. Can you help?
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Second of Three Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Wing Commander Movie went through three major script variants before it was filmed... and thanks to Jetlag, you can now read the second in .pdf format here! There are some remarkable differences... but take some time and read it for yourself! The third "shooting script" will hopefully be posted here soon.
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TCS Panther Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Crane is starting a Secret Ops related project: "The project will be a Earth Militia involvment (the player is a part of it) in the year 2683 the launch of a civilian organisation It is a game which will be added on to Secret Ops production will start early august this year." Read all about it at his very purple TCS Panther website.
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From: Stain-Away Co. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In case you haven't heard of us, we are manufacturers of high quality pants. We have discovered a new material, called Teflo-Weave, which is resistant to all stains. There will be a high demand for this due to the pant-rippling nature of space combat. Unfortunately our deadly rival, Rear-Guard Ltd., has stolen our prototype samples, and are heading back to their labs at Nav Point #131. They must be stopped! ID and destroy their ships before they read Rear-Guard HQ, and return the pants to us at our own labs at Nav Point #170.
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UO2 Redux? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

LumTheMad is reporting that Origin is developing the next generation of UO, dubbed UO 2.0, in Austin... Why is this important? Because it sounds like EA hasn't given up on Origin as a development studio -- as their actions have previously suggested...
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From: Davis & Co., Armaments and Supplies Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

A band of pirates have seized a large shipment of armaments traveling between Bex (Nav 2) and Hephaestus (Nav 1). The shipment consists of two ships, which are now traveling totally unescorted. They plan to use the anonymity of the ships as cover, but we've discovered the name under which they are traveling. We need you to travel the rather busy route between the planets, identifying all cargo ships you see. Once you discover ships traveling as "Gifts & Antiques", blow them away. We'd much rather this shipment be destroyed quickly than risk a salvage operation, as pirates often booby trap their ships.
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From: Chirichan Guard Captain Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This mission requires a pilot whose regard for the CIS is not too high, especially when there are a fair fwe credits up for grabs. We shall be running a 'special' cargo ship between the SS Tersa (Nav 147), and the moon Petra (Nav 95). We have had word that the CIS have had this information leaked to them, and will be trying to put a stop to the convoy. We need someone to clear the route of CIS agents, so that the delivery can go ahead as planned. You will be paid well, as we appreciate that there is quite a risk involved.
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Happy 4th of July Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Happy America day, people. I'm gonna head down to DC for the fireworks tonight -- drop me a line if you're going to be there, and we'll get together and make bad Wing Commander 1 references.
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Things That Aren't Scimitars Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Pedro has set out to provide proof positive that Unknown Enemy is not The Scimitar Project... these screenshots are pretty darned cool(!) -- but they still have Scimitars in them...
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Adding to the Addons Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Mike12 has announced an addon for Wing Commander: Invasion... here's the quote!
Ladiesman and I have been finishing up the Addon story to Invasion. It is a 24 mission campaign/ 6 missions per race( so there 4 races). We be keeping the story and races secret till the Invasion project is finishes. If anyone is interested Ladiesman and I are taking down people who would be interested in being part of our team. So far the web page is in the works and some new ideas for ships and bases. Just leaving a message on the forum or icq me or Ladiesman if your interested.
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Vega Strike World Report Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's the latest from Vega Strike -- which has really done an impressive job of becoming a serious game engine over the past several months...
  • Somehow last time the README didn't get included. You can grab it here: README.
  • If you would like to get up-to-the-minute information about vegastrike progress, you can look at the comments I put to the right of the source code. If you click the link you'll see the most recent news about fixes I put on every file. And you can click on the file itself to see a history of all changes I or any developers have made!
  • Feel free to comment on the source code or enjoy reading the comments that are there.
  • Currently I'm working on a lighting/halo system so the sun will emit light and have a magnificent glow around it, as will your engines, and any other parts on a starship that a designer wishes to place halos on.
  • I also implemented a fast drawing system to draw many lights quickly!
  • I've begun work testing weapon fire and the like! Soon you will be able to fire at targets with the spacebar! :-)
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From: Harding Construction - Karatikus HQ Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We need a volunteer to patrol the shipping rounte between CS:Reva (NAV 136) and SS:Tersa (Nav 147). There have been a lot of attacks on innocent ships recently, and these pests must be destroyed. We will pay 520CR per kill on this one.
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You May Resume Fireing Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's some more of those crazysexycool resume shots of Barbara Niven and Ginger Lynn... stolen off of eBay.
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From: Chirichan Guard Captain Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We are looking for a pilot who can competently carry out a defend mission for us. At present, we have a secret truce with the CIS, and have tipped them off about an attack planned by the Papogods on their Capitap ship, The Patriot, currently at Nav Point 20. We are unable to defend it ourselves, because if the Papogods find out about the truce, they will destroy us. It is vital that the carrier survives, or our newly found relationship will be ruined.
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Trivia 3, Week 36 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today's trivia is as long as a Gladius!
Welcome to Game Three, Week Thirty-Six Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard that will be up soon. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (July 1, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

New Questions for Week 35 (starting June 25, 2001):

Question 69: What is the primary role of the Pelican Class craft?
Answer: Transport

Question 70: What is the primary role of the Zartoth Class craft?
Answer: Electronic Warfare

Bonus 35: What is the primary role of either the Odysseus Class craft or the Copernicus Class craft?
Answer: Science/Research/Exploration

New Questions for Week 36 (starting July 2, 2001):

Question 71: What is a piece of technology refined in the 2630's that changed the balance of power, and how did it do this?

Question 72: What is a piece of technology refined in the 2650's that changed the balance of power, and how did it do this?

Bonus 36: What is a piece of technology refined in the 2660's that changed the balance of power, and how did it do this?

Submissions are due by July 8, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

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From: Butt Out Freight Co. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Ohhh No! We've got an urgent problem here. Like hey, there's this really cool carrier out at Nav Point 47 that's been shot up by some badass pirates. It could explode into a zillion pieces at any moment. It's also spilled its cargo of mega-bass digi-discs. The neat thing is though, in one of the pods is coded CIS data in the form of a microjingle. Could someone pleeeze scoot over there go up to the carrier and grab that cute little jingle before the pirates do. Once you've got it zoom over to Nav Point 167 to drop it off.
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Scimitar Work Continues Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Scimitar Project (aka Unknown Enemy has... a new Scimitar! It's based on the XWA TC model, textured by WildCat, converted by KillerWave, updated by Thomas Brucker and then hardpointed by Quarto... it looks really great, but ENOUGH WITH THE DAMN SCIMITARS!
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Trivia Reminder Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Trivia Alert: Please remember to submit your Week 35 answers to Chris by midnight tonight -- Week 36 will start Monday morning!
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Thanks, Lara Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Syndney Morning Herald ran an article called Joystick Flicks -- about video game to movie conversions. Wing Commander is, naturally, mentioned -- and it's given what might be the best possible review for our purposes... (Thanks for the information, Kn'thrak!)
Street Fighter turned out to be another lame Van Damme bruiser despite Kylie's efforts; and Mortal Kombat and Wing Commander, although faithful to the atmosphere of their virtual counterparts, didn't have the depth to appeal to casual viewers.
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From: Messineo Couriers Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

One of our most profitable trade routes has been blockaded for some time by a group of Kindred fighters, eager to loot the shipments of jewels we carry to Hermes from Leviatha. We have had three large shipments stolen, and with the most recent one, the death of a pilot and crew. This has become tiresome and cannot continue, hence the rather large sum we are offering in order to get rid of this scum. Fly along each NAV point between Hermes (NAV 5) and Leviatha (NAV 116), and eliminate any Kindred warships you see.
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