Amazing List Game! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

... aka Win Ben Lesnick's Crap! If you can list more Wing Commander Characters in one week than I can... then you'll win some fairly pointless stuff! Here are the rules:


Players have one week to list as many Wing Commander characters as possible -- they can work together if, for some reason, they want to share the prize.

Unique names (Vance Richards) and 'personal' callsigns (Maverick) count -- references to people without names (Maestro's father) and mission specific callsigns (Drake Two) do *not* count. Double names count if you can prove that they are different people. Fictional WC universe people (Luna Jones) do *not* count, but aliases do (Geof Kane) when no other names exist. Fan fiction doesn't count. Real people mentioned in WC (Benedict Arnold) do *not* count, but WC people with the same names as real people *do* count (Chris Roberts).

If any names are disputed (by anyone), the person submitting them must be able to prove where they come from.

Everyone must submit their list of names to Cpl Hades ( on next friday -- he'll determine the winner and post their list here.

The winner (if there is one) gets an exciting gift pack including a *sealed* SNES WC1, one of those things you hook a palm pilot to (a hotsynch cradle), a half-used box of thumb-tacks, A Talent For War: The Book and whatever the hell other crap I find when I'm cleaning out my desk.

Start your engines!

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