The Aces Want You! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Raptor is re-organizing the Wing Commander Aces mailing list... and would like to invite all who are interested in joining to e-mail him. Club members get HTL and MTV stories e-mailed to them as soon as they're made available... and so forth and so on. The Ace's are the largest, most popular WC club on the 'net -- aside from the SRA, which has a million billion members and a giant diamond studded space-carrier to beat people with.

From: Military Emergency Control HQ Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

There is a battle taking place between the Papogods and ourselves, at Nav Point 149. The hostilities between us have been escalating for some time, and the inevitable showdown has finally come to pass. Unfortunately for us, we underestimated the strength of the pirates, and are currently outnumbered by approximately two to one. We are in need of a pilot with a lot of combat experience and a good ship, to help us out until reinforcements arrive. Can you help?

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