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Today's update will be guest-written by Frosty... because he's very, very sarcastic. Very...

Today I recieved Game Informer issue number one-hundred in the mail, and while studying their "10 Years of Game Informer" article, saw a Wing Commander mention that brought a tear to my eye and fulfilled my soul.

1990-"Wing Commander is released for the PC, and becomes one of the most influential space combat simulators to ever hit the PC gaming community."

Oh rapture! Finally, WC gets the caliber of recognition it has always deserved. Why, just the other day I said to myself, "I wish a world-renowned media monster like Game Informer would take the time to spit out a limited one-line speck of information about WC in a spotty videogame history timeline!" What's more, this blurb is on the same page as "In the blink of an eye, Tengen releases Pac-Man, Gauntlet, and RBI Baseball with uniquely styled black cartridges." To think such a well-respected publication ranks WC up there with the introduction of black NES game carts as one of the "100 defining moments in video game history" is truly breathtaking.
Naturally they fail to mention WCs which are arguably more important, such as WC3 and SO.
The blurb is on page 52 of the August 2001 issue of Game Informer magazine, in the "100 Defining Moments in Video Games" sub-article.

Everyone should add it to thier WC collection!


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