Trivia 3, Week 40 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This weeks trivia is the numerical designator for the Sabre, minus the numerical designator for the original Rapier plus the numerical designator for the Dralthi. I think.

Welcome to Game Three, Week Forty Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (August 5, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Answers to Questions for Week 39 (starting July 23, 2001):

Question 77: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged in a dogfight with a current/former/future wingman.
Answers Included: Various fights with Maniac, various fights with Jazz and the showdown with Hobbes.

Question 78: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged in a dogfight with Kilrathi Prince Thrakhath.
Answers Included: Fighting at K'Tithrak Mang and separate fights in 2669 very near the end of the Kilrathi War.

Bonus 39: Describe three separate situations in which Christopher Blair engaged a major capital ship, space station or planet without a wingman.
Answers Included: Temblor runs on planets like Kilrah, base assaults such as the attack on K'Tithrak Mang HQ and the incident where Blair lured a Snakier into Scylla.

New Questions for Week 40 (starting July 30, 2001):

Question 79: Describe a situation where a Confederation warship orbitally bombarded a planet.

Question 80: Describe a situation where a Kilrathi warship orbitally bombarded a planet.

Bonus 40: Who created a siege and threatened an orbital bombardment of all Pilgrim worlds and why?

Submissions are due by August 5, 2001.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

Lifting Speed! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Wing Commander: Standoff site has posted the last of their Confed ships -- the Drayman. They also have available 1024x768 versions of all their other ships! Work on rendering other portions of the game now continues -- Kilrathi & civilian ships, landing scenes, briefing rooms and so forth.

Glory Be Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

SX Glory, who we hope is back forever, posted to to ask the following...
What does anyone out there think would be the interest in an online comic book based in the WC Universe? I was thinking about getting a project together to do something along those lines, but I'd need a 2D artist (handling characters) and a couple of 3D artists (handling klayouts and backgrounds + flight sequences).

Engage! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter is looking for anyone with experience modding Star Trek: Away Team... he's interested in starting a Wing Commander Total Conversion of said game, but has been unable to find any editing information. If you're in the know, drop him a line here!

Old Quotes Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

LeHah sends in a bunch of old quotes from Malcolm McDowell and Mark Hamill...
Quotes from Mcdowell on WC3 and 4:

"That was very interesting. People were always talking about these CD-roms and I honestly don't understand it. When I was offered the part, with Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davies, I thought, 'I'll do it. Let's go try it and see what it's all about.' I'm very glad I did. It's really where film is going to be in the future. In other words, by computer they'll put in incredible backdrops. Want a starfield? Boom, there's a starfield. The technology changes every week. The only thing they couldn't do then, which they can now, is that we couldn't move or talk. You had to sort of be in one spot and they couldn't move the camera very much. Now, of course, they can do that, too." - Starlog 4/95


On 2/9/98 had a live chat with Mark Hamill. Some guy was there since he worked with Malcolm in WC III + IV + WCA and wanted to ask him about it. He answered my question on Malcolm. Here is what he said.

Someone else asked:

Were you asked to play the main role in Wing Commander Prophecy?

Mark Hamill: No, I sort of inherited the old geezer role from Malcolm McDowell.

Host: You mentioned Malcolm McDowell before, here's one, "What's Malcolm McDowell like to work with?"

Mark Hamill: Hysterically funny. He's hell bent on making you laugh and it's very difficult to look him in the eye. And if he can't make you laugh he'll reach down your pants and teach you.

Host: Eh, front or back?

Mark Hamill: Anywhere. He'll do something to make you go aaaaagggghh before you're supposed to so you'll have to do it like before. But, he is wonderful. I mean if you are doing over shoulder, on mike close ups he's off camera going (mouths 'I love you' and makes kisses, much laughter) to you. You know, I really enjoyed working with the guy because I like to have a lot of fun at work. Even if you get mad and say 'you've got to take that seriously' you know you can use it and that's real swell.

From: CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We have a rather unpleasant situation on our hands. The Jincilla clan has discovered at least two of our undercover operatives and are holding them at Nav Point 149. The hostages are being held in cargo containers while their fate is being decided. Whatever that fate is, you can be sure it will be extremely unpleasant. We want you to go in and rescue the hostages and destroy the pirate supply ship. Get in and out as quickly as possible. It is likely that the pirates will attempt to terminate the hostages once youa re detected. FInally, we have an undercover CIS operative in a Jincilla Skull ship there ready to help you. Do not kill him by mistake!!

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