wing commander 4 jump drive?

Technological progress, just like a child's emotional development, is something that is resistance dependent. Our Tech has advanced so far in the last 100 years because we have had hostile forces of equal strenth to struggle against, before this the most a group of people (country, whatever) had to worry about was their next door neighbor. As communications and transportation tech grew, our world got a whole lot smaller, making all technology on our little rock in space pretty much the same all over the world, and also opening up the world for new enemies to make war/conflicts against. To combat each nation, a country had to develop their tech faster than anyone else (ie neccessity being the mother of invention - in this case, innovation). As time went on, this tech went from advanced to commonplace, and the visciuos cycle would begin again.
Now take the Nephilim, a hive race that only expends as much energy as possible (optimum) to complete a task. The Nephilim fight race after inferior race, conquering, not races they could learn from, but races that are vastly unprepared for Neph tech. Now, if they are beating opponents without much effort, what need would they have for upgrading their weapons? THey have no equal to oppose them, ie make them better. So no resistance = very little technological advancement. they don;t need more advanced weapons, so why spend the energy building them?
This is the scenario I use when accepting the Nephilims lack of advancement.

Makes a lot of sense too.

I just want to add something here. I believe the whole reason why technology advancement in the more military field was slow for the last 30 years is because Russia was on its road to collapse and it made more sense to the US to build more of something after making it more economical and just upagrade stuff rather than build new stuff.
actually tjhat makes a ton of sence, im actually inclined to let that be the reason, though, there has to be a race who are more powerfull then us out there that theve fought, to think that we are the only 1s caperble of beating back them is the hight off aroggence.

and even for a hive mind, they dont have a great many pilots, ud think they swarm untill there was nothing more that could stop them..... that theyd have billion or warriors and thopusands of fighters not just the 7 thousand that the midway racks up, per engagment there should be over 200 fighters, if there a hive mind thats what would happen.

look at fire ants for instance 1 gets injured thousands more come out and attack a symbiotic relationship of 1 mind
and even for a hive mind, they dont have a great many pilots, ud think they swarm untill there was nothing more that could stop them.....

We haven't begun to see the full extent of their forces. The small recon group in WCP devestated Confed space... and when last we heard something like four more wormholes had opened up.
ahh i never played secret ops, i didnt buy it and i couldnt be bothered downloading the massive thing, not on a 56k AOL connection anyway.

4 wormholes u say? my god i dont think the confederation can survive, mabey if the kilrathi at there peak joined to comabet the nephelium then mabey, but over kill, can not be understated, it gets the job done better then underkill anyway
Lord_Nathrakh said:
so the fact that stealth bombers where only made 10 yrs ago is no big acheivment?

the ability, to evade radar is nothing? moreso bombs and weapons have become 30 times more powerfull and econimicly sound are able to be self guided and can travle great distances, 50 yrs ago could u say that could happen?

tell me do u think with todays tech that 50 yrs ago if american went back in time would be defeated if they topok todays weapons with them.......

also 50 yrs is a big differnce from 4000.

why would u not want to continue advancing its a crock there are infinate possiblitys to learn, in 4000 yrs we will be so advanced that we would own entire galaxies, if our tech continues at its current rate, only problem is we need to not blow our selves up to reach that level

Stealth theory, with regards to radar, isn't exactly new The design ideas behind which the current B-2 Spirit bomber operate originated in the 1960's or so with a paper put out by a Russian scientist, IIRC. What it came down to was confusing radar returns by creating angles on a plane which would reduce its signature.

What really blocked the plane from becoming reality is that it took a fly-by-wire system to make the unstable airframe work - those systems were developed in the late 1970s and early 1980's.

Honestly, bombs aren't that much more powerful than they were fifty years ago - the formulations have improved on the explosives, and we've cut down the size of fusing timers and other gadgettry through improved electronics, but... no, they're not more powerful for the most part. We've just gotten better at making them smaller, or (relatively) more accurate; smart weapons still have a 40% failure rate or so with regards to hitting their targets, last I looked.

And frankly - if you want a list of civilizations who stayed at relatively the same level, technology-wise, look at the Aztecs, Imperial China, Imperial Japan, much of Africa, the Aboriginals of Australia, the nomadic peoples of the Americas and Asia... the Greeks, the Romans, the Phoencians....

Who says the bugs can't stay at the same level for a long time? While we've surged ahead in electronics, the way we create light for most homes haven't changed that much since Thomas Edison lit up a light bulb....
Lord_Nathrakh said:
though china was the first nation to have gun power, nearly 500 yrs befor the rest of the world.

im just sayen 4000 yrs and no tech groth, come on thats a bit unbeliveable

Note that China sat on gunpowder for several hundred years, seeing it as nothing more than something to make pretty rockets with - no pistols, no firearms, no cannon....

It happens. Especially with imperial powers, it happens.
Thats not exactly true

the Chinese had a type of torpedo been used thousands of years ago. It was a large tube with powder (shaped as a dragon), with 4 smaller tubes turned down and a little back. It was fired from a ship, with the 5 tubes active, causing the "torpedo" to hover just over sea leave as it flew after the enemy ship and hit it

Another use was heavy artillery
The chinese armies had long lines of massive cube-like "missile launchers" that fired arrows when the explosives were set off, firing all arrows in one "cube" at the same time. That could give them a massive rain of arrows form a very long range

There was also mines, a cannon that fired arrows, and a sort of grenade, that was actually used to starle the enemy and their horses

A lot of their technology was lost after a series of invasions, so much that when the chinese saw inventions from the west, they thought it was all new, when they actually had had many of those for a long time already
they also had a minature version of that arror cannon called the chuck`nor or somthing like that it was like a cross bow that fired and reloaded faster then any other unit in history it was like the machine gun of cross bow men, i belive it had something like 12 arrows to fire at any 1 time and a 5 second reload time, great in close quaters not so good at distance though.
Frankly. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

The Nephilium haven't upgraded their weapons, tech, etc. because the enemies they have faced were easily overwhelmed and the kilrathi didn't even have a chance when the nephilium came.
still its thinking like that that loses wars, if america thought like that 50 yrs ago iraq would have won.....

the kilrathi might have hurt them if they had kept up there miliotary and hadnt disbanded all there warships, or had of actually destroyed the federation
ya rekon? no jets, well not in mass production anyway. antiquated tanks and weapons? and unknown inteligence about there caperbilitys
Lets see, what would Iraq have in store for us? No jets (well, very few anyway, and since the first production F-86 Sabre rolled off the assembly line in 1948, and the Voodoo and Starfighter were not far behind in '53 and '54, we would have some pretty mean jet fighters), antiquated tanks and weapons (if you don't count the supposed WMD), and as for intelligence, lets look at the strategy for the time period. If a target was identified, the big bombers would go in and carpet bomb the local area of the target, without the regard for the civilian population. I think Iraq would be worse off if the 1950's US took them on than our little strategic campaign a few months ago.

There's no 'u' in Nephilim. It's not in the real word, it's not in the name of the alien species... so where the heck did so many WC fans find it?
baron i have no idea what u ment by that then..... but then, im on pain killers to and dont have an idea about much.

u could be right viper, supperior numbers would always work
you know, its funny to see you talk about flatening Iraq 50 years ago, considering that would have been a very stupid move, not to mention it wouldnt have absolutely nothing to do with Saddam's regime
In 53, Iraq was still a monarchy. A controling one, yes, but attacking Iraq at that time? lets see what that would have prevented...

in 58, a coupe puts the military in power. "oh! now! We strike there!" you say
Well, after taking over, that military government made a Land Reform, that took the land that was concentrated in about 2% of the population to be distributed among peasants, created agricultural comunies, etc
After that, they placed a woman among their ministers, the first Arab country to do that. Followin that, there was a major reform on laws that gave women a better status, not to mention a different view on divorce and mariage

in 63, the kurds declared independence after trying to convince the government to give in several demands. The Kurds ended up splitting in several groups wanting power. The fighting lasted till about 1970 with a treaty that gave the kurds some autonomy

Now thats about the time the shit hit tha fan, with military coupes one after the other during this civil war
The Ba´ath party's power as we see today begins around 1970, after already nationalizing a lot of the local industry, and eventually puting an end to the civil war at the north
Saddam comes to power only in mid 79, after the former president resigns due to health problems

wow, Im babbling again!
Kalfor said:
you know, its funny . . .
Thanks for the riveting political timeline, but were not talking about attacking Iraq back in 1950. We're discussing how 1950's America would fare against 2003 Iraq. This somehow is relavent to technological development of the Nephilim in Prophecy time, I really don't want to go back and read where this tangent came from. I don't think anyone actually mentioned going after Iraq in the 1950's.

Thanks for the correction Loaf.

I had meant that the Nephilim went by this idea, because they had faced so many easy foes-including the Kilrathi.

Okay, now we need to get back to the topic, which was? :confused: :confused:

:D :D
Uh, discussing how a '50s USA would do against today's Iraq is a bit stupid considering that Iraq has lost so much of its economical basis and military force due to combats with the US and attacks from the USA during the 80 and 90s, which wouldnt be possible with the technology of 50 years ago
So youd have to consider that those didnt even happen if you wanted (for some reason I still dont get) see how a 1953 USA would fare against a 2003 Iraq

take off embargos, the lack of money from petroil, no damage to their infrastructure due to long range missile strikes, etc, and Iraq would definitly have a far better defense, for startes it would actually be able to maintain their own jets as they would have the money and the way to adquire the parts