A Closer Look at the X: BTF Sequel Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Tye was poking around gaming sites the other day and came across more information on the sequel to X: Beyond the Frontier. The original was a somewhat average space sim in its day, and I hadn't given much though to its new incarnation. Some aspects of X2 look really good however. Cockpits are nice and sleek and some of the ships are decent. And it wouldn't be complete without some big Nephilim-looking alien ships mixed in. You can find more on X2 here. We first highlighted some similarities between this game and Prophecy a few weeks ago.

Tye also dug up an older GameSpy interview with the developers that compares aspects of it to Wing Commander.

Wing Commander is a good example. Players who liked those games will feel at home with the control system and flight model instantly, although mouse, keyboard and joystick are all supported and the plot will take them on an exciting adventure.
You can find this interview here. It's a good read for miscellaneous background info on the game.

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