This JAW-DROPPING Cruise Liner Rents For 4.2 Million Credits... A DAY Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Guinterin Combine travel company is preparing to launch three brand new luxury liners complete with shuttle bay, casino and spa. The Twilight Purchase, The Blue Horizon and Ana Maria Alberghetti have room for over 6,000 passengers and are set to cruise the Cygnus and Luyten systems. Companies wanting to charter one of these luxury vessels for a corporate retreat can do so for a stunning 4.2 million per day. While photographs of the interior are not yet available, this rendering gives us a good idea of the kind opulence in store for those fortunate enough to afford a cabin.

10 Cities Most at Risk of Being Hit By an Antimatter Warhead Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's sure to be a hit amongst our list of likely contenders. We asked our team of Earth defense experts which cities were looking the most likely to be craters if the Kilrathi pulled up to downtown Earth and here's what they told us.

  1. Chicago Solves crime and the misery of the Cubs in one strike.
  2. Pittsburgh Philadelphia gets most of the attention anyways.
  3. Boston Paahhk this waahhhead in yaahh yaahhd!
  4. Miami South Beach will be glowing for years!
  5. Quebec This must be an accident. The Canadians are far too nice for this.
  6. Amsterdam There will be no drug tourism with the Kilrathi.
  7. Berlin Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen
  8. Stockholm One too many Ikea assemblies and everyone snaps.
  9. Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople. Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night.
  10. Paris We'll always have...oh.

These Space Stations Are Too MASSIVE To Wrap Your Head Around Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here Are 11 Exclusive Drinks You Didn't Know You Could Order Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Canteens across the fleet have been getting pilots hammered for decades, but few people realize that many bartenders offer a second, secret menu with drinks that are regularly requested but rarely publicized. We've compiled a list of the most exclusive (and gut wrenching) spirits that are out there. They won't always be available but they're worth asking for the next time you want to black out.
  • Outback Lager
  • Tamayoan Fire Wine
  • Outhouse Armageddon
  • Goddard Special
  • New Samarkand Vodka
  • Vega's Best
  • Firekkan Fire Liquor
  • Kumquat Opi-Ola
  • Uncle Kashumai's Bowel Loosener
  • Altarian Brandy
And finally, the Rostov Hairball. Down the hatch!

This Exeter Concept Almost Looks Like The Real Thing Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The art of creating ship concepts has turned into an obsession for many people over the years, but new concept images showing the rumored upgraded "Exeter" design look so good they could have come from Joan's Fighting Spacecraft itself. Pulled out of thin air by Klavs, using nothing more than Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, these drawings give us a glimpse of what the next iteration of Confed's primary "battleship" might look like, if and when it materializes. Meanwhile, this entirely made-up design is very sleek and the HUGE engines make it look like she'll be much faster than the current generation Exeter! We also like the canted nose and recessed rear hangar bay. In a word: Gorgeous!

Tomorrow: Three implausible Rapier concepts that will make the Kilrathi tremble in fear!

11 Incredible Things You Won't Believe Thrakhath Said!! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

  1. Meow
  2. Rawr
  3. Nyaaa
  4. Purr
  5. Growl
  6. Hiss
  7. Yowl
  8. The Heart of the Tiger has failed his race. He has failed himself. He has failed the human he knows as Devereaux. Angel, his lair mate, he has failed. His heart has not been valiant enough. His warring has not been skillful enough. And he has failed a true warrior, Angel, for she displayed heart...

9 Most OUTRAGEOUS Hair Styles of the Kilrathi Empire Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

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