10 Cities Most at Risk of Being Hit By an Antimatter Warhead Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's sure to be a hit amongst our list of likely contenders. We asked our team of Earth defense experts which cities were looking the most likely to be craters if the Kilrathi pulled up to downtown Earth and here's what they told us.

  1. Chicago Solves crime and the misery of the Cubs in one strike.
  2. Pittsburgh Philadelphia gets most of the attention anyways.
  3. Boston Paahhk this waahhhead in yaahh yaahhd!
  4. Miami South Beach will be glowing for years!
  5. Quebec This must be an accident. The Canadians are far too nice for this.
  6. Amsterdam There will be no drug tourism with the Kilrathi.
  7. Berlin Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen
  8. Stockholm One too many Ikea assemblies and everyone snaps.
  9. Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople. Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night.
  10. Paris We'll always have...oh.

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