This Exeter Concept Almost Looks Like The Real Thing Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The art of creating ship concepts has turned into an obsession for many people over the years, but new concept images showing the rumored upgraded "Exeter" design look so good they could have come from Joan's Fighting Spacecraft itself. Pulled out of thin air by Klavs, using nothing more than Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, these drawings give us a glimpse of what the next iteration of Confed's primary "battleship" might look like, if and when it materializes. Meanwhile, this entirely made-up design is very sleek and the HUGE engines make it look like she'll be much faster than the current generation Exeter! We also like the canted nose and recessed rear hangar bay. In a word: Gorgeous!

Tomorrow: Three implausible Rapier concepts that will make the Kilrathi tremble in fear!

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