Tabletop Game Preps for Fan Playtest Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Adm_Maverick has a variety of cool new things to show off in his Wing Commander tabletop game. He's sharpened up a number of his pilot and ship cards, and the basic game mechanics are being written up in a cool player's manual. As he approaches another round of playtesting, Maverick has also started 3D printing nifty little WC fighters and missiles off Thingiverse. Although he's got some fantastic paper/cardboard ships, all the vertical detail in his plastic models is pretty nice too!
So the first round of playtesting is less than a month away. I've got a group of 6 people signed up to participate in it... and that means I'm motivated to get everything ready for it.

I've finished compiling version .01a of the player handbook. This contains the basic rules for fighter vs fighter combat including the stats for missiles, and cannons, along with the rules for dealing full body collisions, clipping another ship and dealing with pilot stresses.

If anyone is interested or inclined I would appreciate getting some eyes that aren't my own reading through it and make sure everything makes sense and I covered everything I mention in the book.

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