Miniatures Tabletop Game Crunches the Numbers Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Adm_Maverick has made more progress with his Wing Commander tabletop game. He's pretty close to being able to playtest the game with fellow fans thanks to finalization of some stat tables. There's also an attractive new 3x6" card layout for characters and ships. Last, but not least, he's also testing out different logo designs. The one below is my favorite!
So I've had a bit of a semi-quasi-productive day today. I'm getting closer to a point where I feel like I'll be ready to start doing pre-alpha play testing and as a part of that I'm working on fleshing out stats. This is a point where using something like Excel has been a huge time saver as I can simply enter the bits of data and allow Excel to do whatever calculations I've set up. In this case I set up a spreadsheet to take the burn value, turn value, shields, hull points, how many flares and/or decoys the fighter has, how many missiles in total it will have, how many torpedoes it will have, how many and what type of canons it will have and let Excel calculate the total points for me.

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