Super Wing Commander Cheats To Help Hunt Sivar Shipyards Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Gaijin has surfaced from a recent Super Wing Commander bender to share the Macintosh version's cheat codes with fellow fans. We've made various references to them over the years, but they've been mistakenly left out of our Cheats Section all this time and therefore may not be widely known. While the Mac SWC isn't the easiest game to get running today, it's well worth the effort to see all the unique environments, characters and ships - not to mention the new expansion between Secret Missions 1&2. If you invest in an older system that can run the game, but don't quite have the time to master another set of WC game mechanics, this is an easy way to speed up the experience! If cheating's not really your thing, then check out Gaijin's SWC strategy guide here.
I'm playing an ongoing game of SWC using a G3 Mac PowerBook (Pismo). I use the cheat (Shift-4 -> SWCBuster -> Enter and then click the on buttons) to see how high I can get with my score. Now at 4780 KIL for 392 SOR on the board. FUN NEVER ENDS!!! Hopping back and forth through the missions to maximize fun and score. BTW here is the full cheat for that game on Mac OS7-9:

    Cheat Dialog
  1. Type a "$" (dollar sign) at any point during the game. This brings up a password dialog.
  2. Type "SWCBuster". This brings a further cheat dialog. Case sensitive.
  3. The option have these meanings:
    • "Bangable" unchecked disables all collision damage (including those pesky asteroids and mines)
    • "Killable" unchecked makes you invulnerable
    • "Finger of Death" checked enables you to kill any targeted ship by pressing "s". This works only on the enemy.
    • "Pickable" checked lets you pick any mission or campaign in the game by cycling through the options in the rec room using the TAB or LEFT/RIGHT ARROW keys until Pick Mission or Pick Campaign comes up, and then using ENTER to select it. Missions and campaigns are numbered more or less in order of appearance and can be rotated through using the LEFT/RIGHT and UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS.

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