Clever Tweak Streamlines Secret Missions 1.5 Installation Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

WingOver has modified the latest build of Secret Missions 1.5 to work independently of the base Secret Missions. This is a nice update for anyone who was wary about backing up or inadvertently overwriting the original game's files. Simply unzip the four .015 files into Wing Commander's gamedat folder and execute with cm15.exe. Further instructions are included in the zip (200 k). The files include the storyline and missions that were originally included in a new WC expansion pack that was exclusive to Super Wing Commander on the Macintosh & 3DO.
The Covert Mission files have been renamed by me to follow the original WC naming convention. ie. WC file extensions are .000; Secret Mission 1 files are .001; and Secret Mission 2 files are .002. So, for Covert Missions (SM1.5) I set the file extensions to .015.

briefing.sm15 ~~~> briefing.015, camp.sm15 ~~~~> camp.015, module.sm15 ~~~> module.015, title1.sm15 ~~~~~> titl15.vga

Then, within the Secret Missions 2 executable file (sm2.exe) I used a hex editing program to change the .002 extensions for the three files to .015 and the title screen file name from title1.vga to titl15.vga. I saved my changes to a new file named cm15.exe.

Using this method you can place the new Covert Mission files in the gamedat folder along with the Secret Missions 2 files. Starting the game with cm15.exe brings you to the Covert Missions title screen and off you go from there. :)

While on the subject of special material included in WC ports, Shades captured the animated gif above from the SNES version of The Secret Missions (1). It's a small snippet of the game's modified intro that discusses where the Sivar superweapon came from - War Hammer XII! Check the full intro out below!

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