Happy Birthday Wing Commander Movie! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Wing Commander Movie first premiered in theaters on March 12, 1999. It's hard to believe that 15 years have gone by! It's been a good year for the film: a physical high definition version finally materialized in August on Blu-ray and the DVD got an anamorphic rerelease. Streaming options have crept up in resolution to be nearly as sharp as the BD, and broadcasts have kept the film constantly in front of audiences. Even the soundtrack is now available digitally. When we originally traveled to Austin for the premiere, we couldn't have imagined that we'd all eventually be carrying around HD players in our pockets that let you watch the film anywhere at any time, but the future is amazing. Where do we go from here? It's anybody's guess, but the movie rights revert back to Chris Roberts next year...

AD> When is the special edition of the Wing Commander movie comming out?
Chris_Roberts> One day I would like to do a full cut with digital Kilrathi, Merlin and the full Pilgrim subplot
Chris_Roberts> I get the US & UK rights back in 2015
Chris_Roberts> Yes - Fox just got distribution rights for English speakign territories for 17 years

Star Citizen Pulls In $40 Million! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

There's another incredible milestone on the books over at Roberts Space Industries. The Cloud Imperium team has now collected more than $40 million from fans pledging towards Star Citizen. Over 200 people are now employed across several global studios to build the game. They've ended a run of star system unlocking and are now moving on to more exotic reward tiers. At $42 million, the built-in "Galactapedia" will see enhancements in style, scope and user interface. There will also be a new ship - the Gladius, and last, but not least, a virtual towel! If you're a backer over at RSI, you can join the WCCIC organization here.

Gladius – The Squadron 42 team will develop an additional fighter for the game, the Aegis Dynamics Gladius-class light fighter. The Gladius will be the first fighter built entirely from concept to CryEngine in the UK! Here’s the official description: The Aegis Gladius is the UEE’s reigning light short-range patrol fighter. A single-seat ship with no room for expansion, the Gladius is fast, maneuverable and capable of punching far above its weight. The main advantage to the design is simplicity: cheap to produce, easy to repair and outfit and quick to train new pilots on. The Gladius is an aging design nearing the end of its life-cycle, although iterative updates have kept it the most nimble fighter in the active fleet.

Towel – And of course, everyone who backs before we hit $42 million will also receive a towel for their hangar. Don’t explore the galaxy without it!

Remember that our stretch goals are examples, ways of showing you how we are improving the game with the additional funding and ways to thank you for your early support. The full impact of each additional dollar is actually felt across the board: the project currently employs over 200 people. As a result, every dollar allows us to support this large team and helps improve Star Citizen in both scope and scale.

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