RSI Expands Its All-Star Lineup Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Roberts Space Industries has a couple interesting new articles on its website so far this week. Meet Martin Galway kicks off a series of features on the Cloud Imperium Games team currently working on Star Citizen. Mr. Galway has a extensive history in game audio, including roles as sound director on a number of Wing Commander games. He has also worked on classic Commodore 64 titles, many different Origin games, the Star/Freelancer titles and the WC Movie.

After a few years at Ocean Software carving out his legendary status as Commodore 64 musician,Martin came to Austin in 1988 as a contractor, to help develop Times of Lore; two years later he returned permanently to take a job as Origin Systems’ Audio Director. From then on he was responsible for increasingly complex audio projects including sound effects, music and, as the Soundblaster took the market by storm, speech. Sharp-eared Wing Commander fans may recognize his voice as a Kilrathi in the original Wing Commander II demo! Martin’s audio work at Origin would go on to be an instrumental part of Strike Commander, Wing Commander III, Wing Commander IV and others. He headed up content creation on Origin’s first CDROM game, a port of “Ultima 6″ to Fujitsu’s FM-Towns PC. To hold all the digital speech samples for the game, Martin’s PC had the largest hard drive in the building at that time - a whopping 320MB.

Combined with former Origin composer George Oldziey, there's absolutely no doubts that the new game will sound amazing!

RSI has also published details on potential enhancements that may be coming to RSI's ongoing funding campaign. A poll has been set up to gauge people's interest. There are some neat options! Check them all out here (note the poll may have technical issues at this time - check back later to cast you vote).

More smaller “addons” like the electroskin – we threw in the “double pledge” electroskin when we started Kickstarter as a cheap way to reward users who perhaps had a Kickstarter account but had already backed us through the main site. There was some worry that it might seem like we were taking advantage of your generosity… but the users have spoken and they love the skin! Would you like to see more small addon options in this same class?

Naming rights for star systems, ships, etc. – this is something a lot of crowdfunding campaigns do with their higher tiers an which we have shied away from. Do you want to spend money to name planets and bases in Star Citizen?

More options in the $1,000 to $5,000 range – it’s a big jump from $1,000 to $5,000! Would there be interest in perhaps $2,000 or $2,500 tiers? What would you like to see at this level?

Shirts! – the reason we created the “Citizen Card” reward was because we thought users might be tired of the standard ‘backer’ shirts that come with nearly every Kickstarter. But from the comments it sounds like shirts are a beloved tradition and we may have missed the mark switching the for the cards. What do you think?

The pledge drive is now just a few thousand shy of crossing $1.8 million!

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