New WCA Box Art Revealed! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter has posted new box art for the upcoming Wing Commander Academy DVD set! The updated image adds the Tiger's Claw and replaces the red background planet with a blue nebula. A (mirrored) Scimitar still tangles with a pair of classic Dralthi.

Release is just six weeks away, and preorder prices are continuing to fluctuate. Deep Discount has increased its price about a dollar to $17.84. Shipping is free at DD, but Amazon Prime members get free release date delivery included with their $19.99 purchase. Many other retailers, such as, DVD Empire, Books-a-Million, CD Universe and RightStuf to name a few, are now on board with a proper product listing. Barnes & Noble has an impressively low online price of $16.62, but the lowest we've seen is $14.43 at Buyer beware at some of the smaller sites - most of my copies are preordered at Amazon.

A spirited and elite corps of novice fighter pilots attends the Wing Commander Academy in the year 2655. Often thrust into battle against the mighty and ruthless Kilrathi race, the crew must master daring manoeuvres and veer through constant danger to save the world. Sedate and honorable Maverick, devil-may-care and impulsive Maniac, and serious-minded, cautious and competent Archer make up a quarter of the cadet wing at the academy under their brilliant, if argumentative, captain, Commodore Tolwyn.

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