You Killer Bees Have the Next Shift Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Zohrath's new Hornet model is now complete! The images below show the progression of the design quite nicely, and the finished ship looks very close to the WC1 blueprints. Check out his Raptor and Rapier here. The Scimitar is up next.
Hello everyone, I've been working on this model for ages, going though many revisions, I think this is model 8. I tried making a very smooth sub-d model several times, but now I've gone back to simply following the original blueprints, even if that gives the model fairly sharp edges. But it does look fast! So, being the first model I've managed to do in several years, I'm looking for critique. Most of the detailing remains to be done, modeling plates etc, but any comments are appreciated!

I made the guns a bit thicker, but doing it more would veer off from my reference too much. It would be fun to put something more howitzer-like there though :)

Atlantis Completes Final Shuttle Mission Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Space Shuttle Atlantis touched down this morning after completing her final mission and the final mission of the shuttle program. STS-135 completed one last resupply run to the International Space Station before touching down at the Kennedy Space Center, where it will be permanently displayed after decontamination. A few beautiful photos from the last few days are posted below, and NASA has set up a photo tribute gallery here.

Space shuttle Atlantis touched down on the Shuttle Landing Facility's Runway 15 at 5:57 a.m. EDT on July 21. After 200 orbits around Earth and a journey of 5,284,862 miles, the landing at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida brought to a close 30 years of space shuttle flights.

"Although we got to take the ride," said Commander Chris Ferguson on behalf of his crew, "we sure hope that everybody who has ever worked on, or touched, or looked at, or envied or admired a space shuttle was able to take just a little part of the journey with us."

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