New Kat Ship's an Asymmetrical Beauty Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's a new Kilrathi design that JasonRocZ has created for Wing Commander Collateral Damage. The first two images below show off this ship, which he's named the "Darthek." Jason's done a very good job of creating a classically styled Kilrathi design without just mishmashing existing designs. The later three shots feature his take on the heavier Vaktoth.

Here's the one Kilrathi ship that I had planned to be used as a flyable ship at one point. It's a medium/heavy fighter that I dubbed the "Darthek" - 4 Lasers, 2 Neutron. Packs a punch, but it's rather hard to fly. In the right hands it's a hard hitting ship...

The Vaktoth that I had done will be used, but not flyable (by the player).

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