New Kat Ship's an Asymmetrical Beauty Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's a new Kilrathi design that JasonRocZ has created for Wing Commander Collateral Damage. The first two images below show off this ship, which he's named the "Darthek." Jason's done a very good job of creating a classically styled Kilrathi design without just mishmashing existing designs. The later three shots feature his take on the heavier Vaktoth.

Here's the one Kilrathi ship that I had planned to be used as a flyable ship at one point. It's a medium/heavy fighter that I dubbed the "Darthek" - 4 Lasers, 2 Neutron. Packs a punch, but it's rather hard to fly. In the right hands it's a hard hitting ship...

The Vaktoth that I had done will be used, but not flyable (by the player).

Genre-ation Ex Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wired UK is pondering the question, "Where do game genres go to die?" As alive and well as the Wing Commander community is, it's still hard not to notice the lack of new space sims on the market today. Their article also addresses adventure games and 3D real time strategy titles, which are conspicuously absent these days too. The author then looks to fan mods for some relief, and hasn't found it yet. As Gavinfoxx points out, he needs to check out some awesome WC mods!
Remember Wing Commander? X-Wing and Tie Fighter? Day of the Tentacle? Homeworld? All huge games, and all part of genres that now barely exist.

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