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WCX is conducting a study on different aspects of the Kilrathi language. As extensive grammatical rules and word variations aren't all available, he's attempted to bridge the gap with the items that are known. There is also some study of written Kilrathi texts and how these tie in. Check it out so that you're not lost on your next stop to Gar's Emporium. Also be sure to read LOAF's Lexicon for a good primer on terminology.

Known Phrases

"Ek'rah skabak erg Thrak'Kilrah maks Rag'nith."
For the glory of Kilrah, the Emperor and the Empire.

"Kir'kha n'ikh rakh k'har, Sharhi nar Hhallas."
I, Sharhi of Hhallas, swear to avenge my honor.

"H'as aiy'hra n'hakh ri'kahri krikajj, nai korekh sha'yi."
Beyond the eyes of my enemy, I shall prepare for the day of his destruction.

"Ja'lra rash'nakh h'rai?"
Why are you consorting with a human?

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