Star*Soldier Gloss: Page 10 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is the Star*Soldier gloss for the sixth Joan's page:

CONCEPT: See the previous post!


  • The magnitude of the whole thing hits me when I think about this page - I got to grow up and help tell the shared history of the Dralthi. It's unbelievable.
  • "Two hundred years" - to jive with a reference to the KF-100 Dralthi's age in the Confederation Handbook.
  • "ten major revisions" - In my opinion, this can mean either that there have been ten different Dralthi (KF-100 and I through IX) or eleven (KF-100, I through IX and something else). We'll see what future projects add to the history...
  • The true story of how the Dralthi IX got its numeral:
    Me: The Dralthi should get a number. It was Dralthi IV in Wing Commander III and so forth.
    Them: Well, what's the highest one we've seen?
    Me: Dralthi VII.
    Them: Then this can be the Dralthi VIII.
    Me: Let's call it the Dralthi IX, to leave room just in case...
    Them: Eh.
    Me: The 'X' would look cool.
    Them: Sold.
  • "spit-and-glue Dralthi IV models" - The previously unspecified Dralthi models seen in Wing Commander Prophecy.
  • "Bloodhunters" - The Kilrathi pirate group from one of the Privateer Online concept pitches. I like that it ties that unused mythology to the Kilrathi pirates seen in Prophecy.
  • "Hurricane II," "Predator" - Two of the fighter names from that same Privateer Online document. Note that I added the 'II' so that the Hurricane would jive with the old fighter seen in Action Stations.
  • "Caxki Clan" - Another of the 'eight noble clans' (concept introduced in Fleet Action). Caxki is probably the most frequently referenced one... presumably because - and I'm serious - the X makes it look cool.
  • Are you wondering why the Kilrathi would name their elite Dralthi model after a human animal? Keep wondering, Heart of the TIGER.
  • "Puffer-class Ships" - Puffers! I wanted to suggest that there were all sorts of other Nephilim ships... but I also wanted to do a cool ship identification poster using Prophecy's graphic resources. You'll see how that pans out...

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