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Maxi de Sokar has another neat classic Wing Commander review from the Spanish magazine MicroMania. Privateer got the center spot on Issue 67's cover. The four-page review inside is rich with screenshots and renders from the game. There are also a handful of neat sidebars that detail information about ships, locations and ship upgrades. It makes me want to fire up Privateer right now!
Es el corazon del atrincheramiento militar del Sector. En el se encuentra la base naval Perry custodiada y atacada por cientos de naves confederadas y Kilrathis. Los pirates, por lo tanto, son bastantes escasos.

Star*Soldier Gloss: Page 10 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is the Star*Soldier gloss for the sixth Joan's page:

CONCEPT: See the previous post!


  • The magnitude of the whole thing hits me when I think about this page - I got to grow up and help tell the shared history of the Dralthi. It's unbelievable.
  • "Two hundred years" - to jive with a reference to the KF-100 Dralthi's age in the Confederation Handbook.
  • "ten major revisions" - In my opinion, this can mean either that there have been ten different Dralthi (KF-100 and I through IX) or eleven (KF-100, I through IX and something else). We'll see what future projects add to the history...
  • The true story of how the Dralthi IX got its numeral:
    Me: The Dralthi should get a number. It was Dralthi IV in Wing Commander III and so forth.
    Them: Well, what's the highest one we've seen?
    Me: Dralthi VII.
    Them: Then this can be the Dralthi VIII.
    Me: Let's call it the Dralthi IX, to leave room just in case...
    Them: Eh.
    Me: The 'X' would look cool.
    Them: Sold.
  • "spit-and-glue Dralthi IV models" - The previously unspecified Dralthi models seen in Wing Commander Prophecy.
  • "Bloodhunters" - The Kilrathi pirate group from one of the Privateer Online concept pitches. I like that it ties that unused mythology to the Kilrathi pirates seen in Prophecy.
  • "Hurricane II," "Predator" - Two of the fighter names from that same Privateer Online document. Note that I added the 'II' so that the Hurricane would jive with the old fighter seen in Action Stations.
  • "Caxki Clan" - Another of the 'eight noble clans' (concept introduced in Fleet Action). Caxki is probably the most frequently referenced one... presumably because - and I'm serious - the X makes it look cool.
  • Are you wondering why the Kilrathi would name their elite Dralthi model after a human animal? Keep wondering, Heart of the TIGER.
  • "Puffer-class Ships" - Puffers! I wanted to suggest that there were all sorts of other Nephilim ships... but I also wanted to do a cool ship identification poster using Prophecy's graphic resources. You'll see how that pans out...

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