Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Replay Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

AD won a copy of EA Replay for composing a few lines... and now it's in the news! Much to our surprise, the copy we sent him ended up being Canada-specific -- it had a separate French-language manual shrinkwrapped to the UMD-case! AD was kind enough to take some pictures so everyone can see that Replay really is "une collection géniale". You can find scans of the English equivalents of this material here.

Everybody Booze Up and Garriott! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In celebration of "gaming culture", MTV dispatched a VJ to Austin to survey the city's extensive series of development houses for an online series called Overdrive. Among those interviewed was Origin founder Richard Garriott, who now runs NC Soft. He talks about dropping out of school to design video games and then, I'm not making this up, sings a "rap tune". You can the video online here. The Garriott interview is in the first section -- the second includes a segment shot at the unusually large GameStop where I bought my copy of EA Replay!

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