Klavs Models Models of Models Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Klavs81 has put together another neat image collection featuring his famous ships. "Kitten's Play" features a Rapier II swooping in on an unsuspecting Dralthi. Or if the title's any indication, maybe it's the other way around. The scene resurfaces again in a creative design inspired by the Hasegawa Model Kits. Image three might not be big enough to fill your desktop, but "Departure Angle Nine Zero" is a fun shot for all the Ferret fans out there.

Lorddarthvik Experiments With Grass Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

As part of his efforts to create a 3D animation, lorddarthvik has been attempting to produce realistic looking grass. The problem is trying to avoid creating grass so complex that his computer takes too long to render the image. His system currently takes over four hours to produce the scene in the first picture when grass is included. At 30 frames per second, a one minute animation involving the base would take almost a year to render. It could well be worth it though - the second image shows how nice things can look with a bit of grass.

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