Tiger's Claw Moves In For Attack Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Cyberion has been strangely quiet for the past few months, but luckily he is still around and has sent a new wallpaper for your enjoyment. The 1280x960 image entitled "Moving In" features the TCS Tiger's Claw surrounded by Raptor fighters. You can even see a few Raptors just launching. The Bengal and fighter models featured in the wallpaper were created by Maj. Striker. You can grab the full size image by clicking the thumbnail. The Raptors have their own scene here.

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Voting for our annual community awards is now well under way, but it's not too late for you to make a difference. All you need is an account on our forums. Just log in, click the circle next to your chosen nominee, then hit submit. There is a separate thread for each category: Fan Project of the Year and Web Site of the Year. If you don't already have a forums account and need to register, we are currently verifying each registration manually to prevent fraudulent voting, so please be patient until we can activate your account. You can find a few more details on the awards including a synopsis for each nominee here.

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