Wing Commander DVD Reaches UK Shores Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Not only was the UK robbed when it came to the theatrical release of the Wing Commander movie, but fans have also been without a DVD release all this time. Fortunately Fox has decided to right this wrong, and released the movie on DVD in to British stores on January 3. You can now find it for sale for around £12.99. If you want to order online, the cheapest we could find was the newly launched Amazon Jersey's £7.25 (plus £1.24 postage, only available within the UK). If you prefer VHS for some strange reason, your only options are still to try and track down an ex-rental copy or tape your own next time the movie shows up on BBC2. It's pretty exciting that random Wing Commander items are still being released. Pedro has already received a copy and has prepared a mini review.

I'm enjoying the movie a lot more this time around, here in the UK we never got a cinema release, all I've seen before is a UK VHS squished in certain scenes and US DVD of unbelievably low quality, this was like an answer to my prayers having access to a home cinema whilst home from uni and such a high quality wing commander DVD... Anamorphic wide screen, single layer however there are no special features and only one audio track, the movie takes up the entire layer and this is clear from the very high quality picture. Audio quality is superb, especially the base, put the volume up to full and it really got my heart racing. True 5.1. Special effects are incredibly vivid.
Sounds great. We was talking about surprises earlier this week, but we didn't expect one within a few days.

Freelancer Midway Base Files Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Everyone's favorite Freelancer & Dungeon Siege site, Lancers Reactor, has reported a bit on the accidental creation of a base designed like the TCS Midway. Its creator, Aldebaran, thought he was making a Star Wars ship, so now his creation isn't useful to his current project. This set of files is mainly useful for mod teams, as the actual files can not be automatically applied to the game.

However, it would be a shame to see it go to waste so I have uploaded it here in case any of the other mods out there would like to use it. The CMP includes hard points for it to be a dockable base but no other hardpoints, so if you want weapons, lights etc... or even to turn it into a flyable ship, I am afraid you will need to add those yourselves. You will also need to build a SUR file for it as well as I never got around to building one for it.
LancersReactor is hosting the CMP and MAT files here.

Ultima Online Players Donate Virtual Gold Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Slashdot is running a pretty funny article about UO players donating towards Tsunami Relief.
Crazy Joe has houses set up on every server in Ultima Online to accept the donations. You can take your character to the houses to donate your gold in-game. He's raised hundreds of millions of gold which in turn can be converted to thousands of dollars.
That's an interesting way to do it. I'd naturally be suspicious, but Crazy Joe is a Stratics administrator and indications are that this is legit.
I love volunteering at Stratics, they will not doubt hang me if I was scamming. Electronic Arts/Origin Systems Inc. are very much aware of what I am doing, I personally spoke to Anthony "Sunsword" Castoro about it. I am positive if they caught wind this is a scam, all my accounts would be closed.
Too bad we can't donate virtual credits earned hauling Brilliance or fluffy rodents to Troy.

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