SFX Visits Set of Wing Commander Movie Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today we have an article that SFX published in August of 1999. In Issue #54 they visited the set of the Wing Commander Movie in Luxembourg. It explores all aspects of the movie from costume design to its roots in gaming. There are also quotes and interviews with most of the main cast. A little bit of British humor makes its way in too. The shots are a bit high res and low compression to maintain the captions on the photographs. Individual scans are between 600 and 750 kilobytes. I'm still not quite sure why the title of the article is "Game Boys."

"I did my own stunts, being dragged around and sucked out of airlocks five hundred times in one day... it gets a little painful." But that said, (Prinze) is ready to come back, should a Wing Commander II be the order of the day. "I'm already signed on to do it, that's how much faith I had in the project. There are certain movies you want to see another one of, and this is one of them."
If you missed it earlier, back in March we ran an update on the technique for creating the flight deck. Only one side was actually built/used at once. You can find this companion piece here.

HCl Still Churning Out Patches Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Editing god HCl is still hacking apart bits and pieces of Wing Commander code to help fans and modders get a closer look at what makes the games tick. In just the last month he has released updated patches and tools to work with Prophecy audio, tweak a Scatter Gun effect and integrate video into Secret Ops mods. Although these small files are difficult for casual fans to utilize, many of the prominent fan projects today are making great use of them. Not so difficult to use are the high resolution patches for WCP and SO, a key generator for SO and a video clip player he has created. You can find all these and more at HCL's Editing Site.

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