Tiger Claw Made With Half A Hangar Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The special effects film company Magic Movie from Germany has a little feature at their website detailing the construction of the Tiger Claw flight deck from the WC movie. The company specializes in motion photography and visual effects and were called upon to work with certain aspects of Wing Commander due to its Luxembourg filming location. In order to save money on set construction and fighter production, only half of the flight deck was constructed. It was then reversed and filmed again. The two images were then put together down the middle.

Only half of the set of the fighter hangar was erected. After repositioning the fighters, extras and adjusting the light, a second pass was filmed to be combined as a flipped image later in postproduction.

To realize the required camera lift of 5.5 m, MAGICMOVE delivered a special configuration where both the camera and pan head were mounted on a vertical track.

You can find the original feature here.

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