New Concept Images From Old Comic Project Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Theunis Dijkman sent along these images from a WC comic that he was planning to make. Sadly it sounds as if the project has now been abandoned, but these are some pretty neat sketches.
The first is a 'cover' art of the comic showing the main character with a hellcat behind her.
The second shows Tolwyn and and a young child (the main character)

Only Seven Colors Needed Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter is the place for fans of the ZX Spectrum. While TC was exploring their site, he found a Wing Commander 2 inspired creation by Erik Augustín for Demobit 95.
I think it might be a picture drawn by assembly code on old hardware, but I'm not sure. It might just be a random picture drawn on a Spectrum ZX, which seems to be their platform of choice.
Compare that to.. Mmm.. Now those were my favorite Kilrathi. Doesn't that take you back?

EA Games Conflicting With XP SP2 Firewall Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The consumer version of the Windows XP Service Pack 2 is due out soon, and one of the new advancements will be an internal firewall that will flag a wider range of data than previous screens. Microsoft has announced that this will have an impact on a number of internet accessible programs, including a number of the recent online enabled PC games by Electronic Arts. Although some workarounds and patches are expected, many users will have to disable the feature to make their old games playable. This problem will be somewhat lessened as more people transition to routers with built in firewalls and as newer games are built around the SP2 architecture. A complete list of the affected software can be found here.

Command & Conquer Generals, Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour, Earth & Beyond v.1, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, SimCity 4 v1.0, Freedom Force 1
The high profile Need For Speed Underground doesn't appear on the list, and certain games have a version denoted. Unfortunately it appears that C&C Generals might have some issues with the new software.

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