Dutch Prophecy Review Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

TC spotted that Inside Gamer has reviewed Prophecy GBA, but since it is in Dutch, we had to wait for Kris to translate it for us. According to Kris, the review starts with a summary of earlier WC games (I'm wondering what Klingons and Taliban have to do with the earlier games. That's as much of the introduction as I can read except for the screenshot comments which are in English for some reason). The reviewer thinks that there is a bit too much reading in the game, it should have had a tutorial for people unfamiliar with space sims and that it has a weak soundtrack. On the plus side, he also thinks the gameplay is great, graphics are great, explosions are great, and sounds are good. Overall, he says it is the best game he has played so far this year so he gave the game an overall score of 80%. You can read the entire review (in Dutch) here.

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