Prophecy Advance Leaps to the Bigger Screen Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today Nintendo's GameCube Game Boy Player is released in the US. I can't wait to play Prophecy Advance multiplayer on four TVs with full-scene anti-aliasing to smooth out the picture. Just being able to switch to the almighty Wavebird wireless controller will be great. Hopefully we can set this up at Dragon*Con. I'll have some detailed impressions later today or tomorrow.

In rather abstractly related news, Advance Wars 2 ships today for the GBA. GameSpot also recently reported that Digital Anvil's Brute Force is making new sales records! Congratulations DA!

Microsoft has announced that Brute Force has become the fast selling game in the Xbox library to date, beating out even Halo in its first week of sales. It also had the largest first day sell-through (copies of the game actually being sold at the stores as opposed to just being shipped) of any Xbox game at the retail outlet known as GameStop.

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