Vega Strike Upgraded Once Again Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Vega Strike is one of those WC mods that has been around for quite a few years and has gotten a lot of attention outside the WC community. Hellcat's got another update for us, so I'll leave it to him for the news.
HellcatV here,
I just released the last release with the old dataset (a new dataset with professionally done art by Howard Day is already finalized, just needs playbalancing). We're using this release to test the logic within the dynamic universe. The way Vega Strike works now is that every ship is tracked... every battle is simulated behind the scenes---and eventually systems fall, and empires crumble--or succeed. Of course in game you're just a pilot, accepting missions of the relevent factions to attack the relevant flightgroups.
Each ship has a name, so you can run into ships many times and remember where they like to cause trouble. Plus PeteyG has added specular mapping to all the ships in the old dataset--and a new Nova that looks a lot more like the best fighter in WC. Download the new release (windows, mac, linux) and post to the forum about how you like it and how the dynamic universe works out.
You can find more here.

Witty Wing Commander Chat Needed for Freelancer Mod Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Bob is still working hard to mod Freelancer to give it a much more Wing Commanderific feel. He's got a lot of the technical issues handled, but now needs people with a good grasp of Wing Commander humor to stock the universe with conversational banter.
Now that most of the ships and equipment are in place, the next logical step for this mod is to add dialogue and newsbriefs to give the universe more of a "Wing Commander feel". I decided long ago that it would probably be futile to recreate the WC universe in any significant portion in Freelancer, so the focus here is on WC-izing the existing Freelancer universe.
You can try your hand at helping out the project here.

Crius is Growing Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

WC Saga's board has moved to You can discuss the project here, along with Unknown Enemy, Standoff and others. WC Saga has looked into a variety of game modding over the years, with a lot of attention to Freespace 2. With all the recent completions and successes of the modding community, they all have quite a bit of momentum to help them do bigger and better things in the near future.

Prophecy Advance Leaps to the Bigger Screen Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today Nintendo's GameCube Game Boy Player is released in the US. I can't wait to play Prophecy Advance multiplayer on four TVs with full-scene anti-aliasing to smooth out the picture. Just being able to switch to the almighty Wavebird wireless controller will be great. Hopefully we can set this up at Dragon*Con. I'll have some detailed impressions later today or tomorrow.

In rather abstractly related news, Advance Wars 2 ships today for the GBA. GameSpot also recently reported that Digital Anvil's Brute Force is making new sales records! Congratulations DA!

Microsoft has announced that Brute Force has become the fast selling game in the Xbox library to date, beating out even Halo in its first week of sales. It also had the largest first day sell-through (copies of the game actually being sold at the stores as opposed to just being shipped) of any Xbox game at the retail outlet known as GameStop.

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