Origin's UO Pricing Structure Changes Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In related massively multiplayer news, UO's price is going up. Although Everquest and the like may have eclipsed it in recent years, UO was the first modern MMORPG, and as such it retained its $9.99 monthly price tag over the years. Since then even less "massive" games have featured prices in the $12.99 monthly range. After the better part of a decade now (seems like yesterday that ace got into the Beta), their pricing structure is changing.

The Ultima Online monthly service rate will change from $9.95 per month to $12.99 per month on June 25, 2003. At the same time, we’re also introducing the following two multi-month discount packages, which will be available on June 25th:
3 Month Prepaid Discount Package — $34.99
6 Month Prepaid Discount Package — $59.99
By choosing our new 6-month discount package, you can keep your monthly rate at $9.99 per month — maintaining your rate where it is right now!
It seems kinda weird to be that excited about keeping the monthly rate the same. I always feel a nostalgic when I see the Origin logo on the box with each UO release.

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