A Casino Where I'm Winning? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Wing Commander is in a poll... and it's not a "worst video game movie" poll! SlashDot is running a "coolest video game ever" poll... and Wing Commander is an option! And it's even currently beating new age crapulence like The Sims, EverQuest, Black and White and Myst! Go rock the vote.
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Holy Day of Acclivity Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If it weren't Saturday I'd demand the day off -- today is the Pilgrim Holy Day of Acclivity! Celebrate Ivar Chu McDaniel's 2311 ascension to a higher form of being by wearing your cross... uhm... proudly...! According to Dictionary.com acclivity means "A slope or inclination of the earth, as the side of a hill, considered as ascending, in opposition to declivity, or descending; an upward slope; ascent." So... Peter Telep is smarter than you. (This is a good time to point out that I've updated the 'Up & Coming' bar on the left with all the proper dates... so you'll know when to celebrate the Sivar.)
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Point of No Reference Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Still trying to figure out where Chris Roberts got a film company? We sure are! A web-crawl revealed these completely uninteresting references...

Reel Images Magazine: Employment section includes a list of internships. PNR Entertainment is looking for someone to "attend departmental meetings; filing; read and cover scripts; do project research; answer phones; make copies; on-lot errands, some grocery runs etc".

University of S. California: Has a job list (circa September) whicn seeks an Executive Assistant for PNR Entertainment.

E!Online: An article about Sundance 2002 mentions that "Burgeoning production companies Acme and Moshag threw an after-hours shindig at the Point of No Return Films condo that attracted 250 revelers, with Treach and De La Soul among them."

Brown Dog Studios: Man who did the PNR Films logo. Included in his gallery.

Austin Business Journal: An article from April mentions that Chris Roberts is working on The American Knight, a World War I romance movie.

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Centurion Airlines Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

R.F. Burns has sent in a pair of screenshots of Privateer's Centurion in MS Flight Sim 2002 Pro. He claims this is proof "that anything Wing Commander is GOOD for any sim!"... and I'm not going to argue.
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Fan Film Help Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Craig Pichach sent us this request for help with a Wing Commander fan film... if anyone has any experience in such things, drop him an e-mail!
Some of us Wing Commander fans put together a pretty cheap film together for my younger brother, and it surprisingly was a lot of fun to put together and not altogether difficult. (http://server106.hypermart.net/canadian-conservatives/wreck/wrecked.htm)

Since we had a lot of fun, some of us University students are willing to put in a more gallant effort and have begun constructing a proper green screen.

Would anyone over there be interested in helping put together a fan film version of either End Run or Action Stations?

We have 18 interested actors/actresses from the University of Calgary, some dedicated Wing Commander fans and a couple fans ready to try something new.

If anyone is interested out there, we are willing to go all the way with this. We would need better backgrounds, some ideas, etc.

Any feedback would be welcome.

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Do You, Ah, Lego? Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

PopsiclePete confirms the old adage that people with Legos are the coolest people in the world. He's found wonderful galleries of Lego-made space carriers at Brickshelf. Check 'em out here and here. They're probably not Wing Commander ship... but they're pretty awesome!
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WCA Art 20: Holo Tank Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is just like the other holo-tank art posted a few months back... with one key difference! It's on instead of off! God, I'm such a geek for owning this... (and various other terrifying reasons).

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There's a Vampire Where?! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In the absence of any real news (how often does CNN admit that?) here's a list I made up of Wing Commander references at PNRFilms.com. If you find any others, e-mail me here. It's certainly interesting how much of the site is WC images...

URL: Point of No Return, WC movie reference
Joystick: (lower right corner) - WC1 reference
Film Route - Image: Green-Screen Rapiers
Film 01 - Image: Green-Screen Rapiers
Film 02 - Image: Filming a Rapier
Film 03 - Image: Maniac
Film 04 - Image: Concordia Bridge
TV 03 - Text: Wing Commander TV Show
TV 04 - Image: Green-Screening WC3
Games Route - Image: WC1 Box Art
Games 01 - Image: WC1 Box Art
Games 02 - Image: Maniac Promo Card/Prophecy Line Art
Games 03 - Image: Kilrathi face/Prophecy Line Art
Games 04 - Image: WC3 Box Art
About Route - Image: Chris & Rapier
About 01 - Image: Chris & Rapier

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WCA Art 19: Launch Bay Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

One of the several ways of taking off of the Tiger's Claw (seriously, it's got tubes, its got little bays, its got one big bay...) is through this launch bay. It's where the series ended, with Blair throwing away his Cadet Wing Commander medal...

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Happy Birthday WC Movie! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Has it really been three years? What is still the most hotly argued piece of Wing Commander lore (leaving Privateer 2 forgotten) was released three years ago today. I have such happy memories of seeing it over and over again... watch it on DVD to celebrate! It's your duty!
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Happy Birthday Chris! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

He's the man who kept agwc on the map... he's the guy who's run the CIC all these years... he's the guy who was right about the WC4 date issue, damn him... he's Chris Reid, and today is his birthday! Wish him a happy birthday here -- he turns 121 today.
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WCA Art 18: Cat Bridge Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Thrakhath's throne-bridge on the Agan Ras Sivar! Sometimes it has a viewscreen in front of it... sometimes it doesn't. Go figure!

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Holding the Line: Chapter 125 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Back to being nice and regular, the syndicated version of Holding the Line reaches Chapter 125. Here's Raptor...
Hey guys, Raptor here.

HTL continues with the second part of "Further Down The Spiral 2", as the TCS Valley Forge and her crew continue their battle against a Nephilim dreadnaught battlegroup. Having located the enemy, the pilots and crews are now preparing for the first strikes. This chapter is jointly written by all the Valley Forge writers, so please send any and all comments to them.

In other news, the problems the HTL archives have been having lately have had one very positive spin off. The HTL crew are working with the CIC staff to set up an archive based at the CIC. This is something that we're very excited about, as it expands on the successful syndication of HTL chapters via the CIC, which as introduced a lot of new readers to our project. We'll keep you updated on the progress of this as the archiving effort moves ahead.Best, Raptor

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WCA Art 17: Bridge Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The bridge of the Tiger's Claw -- where Tolwyn stands in the intro to every episode (and at various other points in the series). Commander Nelson, you have the con.

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Fan Art! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. The first masterpiece is a Banshee class fighter done by Alan Hart. Very nice! The second is from... uhm... noted author Trelane. It's... ah... very special.
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WCA Art 16: Flight Deck Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is a back view of the Tiger's Claw's launch bay, which appears throughout the series. Looks like it was based on the Concordia launch bay from WC2...

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Nuke 'Em Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's the latest screenshot from the Standoff mod: A Morningstar class heavy fighter mounting a Mace tactical nuclear missile. Woo!
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WCA Art 15: Canyon Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Somewhere between concept and final product this forest canyon became a desert canyon! It's from "Lords of the Sky".

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That's *Mister* Number 19 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In yet another of the gaming-news-industry's ceaseless stream of 'Top Whatever' lists, GameSpy has claimed that Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts is the 19th most influential game designer. Hey, sure! Check out the full article here. Thanks to Delance, Beef, Major Striker and Wizard for reporting this!
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WCA Art 14: Swamp Scene Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's WCA art time again... seven or eight more of 'em are scanned and ready! First up: the swamp on Pisces from Word of Honor. Home of... more Arthrosquids than you can shake a stick at. A really big stick!

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B5 Ships! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Boy, have we missed a bunch of Babylon 5 Ship releases. Head on over to B5 Commander to pick up the Narn Outpost, the Thnor, the Poseidon, the G.O.D. Defsat, Babylon 5, the Psi-Corps Base, the Minbari outpost, the Orion Station, the Asimov Liner, the Omega-X and the Brakiri Takushni Cruiser. All for the Vision Engine. That's a mouth-full!
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VS Reaches Drinking Age (0.2.1 Release) Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's HellcatV with a slightly less than sane Vega Strike announcement...
Vegastrike-0.2.1 is out...it features docking (request clearence with SHIFT-C and then dock with d and undock with 'u'... press 'C' again to see the half-finished trade interface). It also has some nice gauntlet missions and battle missions anew...and a bunch of user feature requests that I'm way too sleepy to think of... the long and short of it is...
a) get it
b) play it
c) write to me at vegastrike-users@lists.sourceforge.net and tell me how it went and what you'd like to see next

oh ya and
d) enjoy :-) at least as much as Ace's Happy Midifiles LOL...speaking of which--- vegastrike plays 128 Kbit mp3's in one of 3 .m3u playlists (panic, battle, and peace... so select songs you like... slap 'em in the .vegastrike folder of 0.2.1, run setup.exe and enjoy music for your ears... "I'm spending most my life living in a WC Paradise.....Tell me why....are we, so blind to see, the rapiers in the sky or the Dralthis in the trees...) uh oh...dralthis...TREES? *runs*

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Holding The Line: Chapter 124 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

After missing a beat (my fault!), the CIC's syndication of Holding The Line is back -- with Chapter 124! Here's Raptor with the intro...
Hey all, Raptor here.

HTL continues with "Further Down The Spiral 2", as the trap in the Loki system closes in on the Nephilim. Last time, we saw the Endeavour group moving to engage its target. This story follows the TCS Valley Forge and her crew as they try to do the same. This story is broken down into three chapters, and is jointly written by all the Valley Forge team. Please send any and all comments to them.

Some of you may have tried to access the HTL archives over the past week and gotten a "404- file not found" message. The reason is that the entire domain where we're based, Lancer Games, is currently down for renovations. I'll post a message on the CIC when the archives are back up and running. In the meantime though, my apologies for any inconvenience.

Best, Raptor

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CIC Emergency newsbrief! Chris Roberts' production company, Point of No Return Films, has opened their web site -- and it confirms that a Wing Commander TV series is in development!

The PNR films site can be found at http://www.pnrfilms.com/. The site is very flashy... but it's also full of Wing Commander references! Including images from games developed at Origin...

(Thanks to several people who submitted this -- more details and proper credits as they become available and time allows)

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Phoenix On the Move Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Phoenix asks that we post this announcement, which reports the re-design and re-location of his Task Force 16 web site. Looks... amazing!
The Wing Commander: Task Force 16, Battle Group Phoenix Web site has been relocated, due to a change in residence which also necessitated a change in ISP. The site is now housed on an independent server, and may be accessed from http://www.interimag.com/~kscholl/ by clicking on the green-colored icon at the far right. The site will, in the near future, have its own index page, but for now use the URL provided above in order to enjoy the site as intended.

Additionally, you will notice that the site is presented with an entirely new look and enhanced functionality. The new design requires an i-frame capable browser, as well as Javascript. Generally-speaking, if you have a W3C standards-compliant browser such as IE5+, Netscape6, or Opera6, you're in great shape. (Sorry, but the time has come when I'm dropping support for Netscape4 for non-commercial work that I do.)

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome. Be aware, however, that the e-mail address provided on the site will not go active for a couple more days. Until that time, I may be contacted at my generic Web addy, kevin_scholl@yahoo.com. Thanks, and enjoy!

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UE'll All Be Over Soon Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Pedro posted a status update (and poll) on Unknown Enemy's status to the Chat Zone... and here it is:
Missions 0-7: We have plans to put these into beta testing VERY shortly, along with the first few cutscenes, right now Mission 3 needs to be tested (it *should* work but its so long I finished coding it but never did a final test), 7 needs some mild updates and multiple missions have the same landing issue which we now know how to fix apparently..

Mission 8: This was close to completion but then Pete lost the mor recent code which put this mission back a bit

Missions 9&10: Both done but not tested properly yet.

Simulator missions: Been on a backburner, theres 3 or 4 finished, we may or may not do more before the initial release, however we will eventually have 8.

Cutscenes: 2 finished, 1 undergoing major revisions and 1 unstarted

FMV sequences: 1 completed, other in very early stages of production

Voice overs: Still awaiting a fair few, I finally finished mine upto mission 7 although personally I feel some may need redoing, this is probably what will hold us up the most.

Music: Will not delay release because we would probably make an initial release with or without but minaly because our composer is doing a great job and hes already got a hefty number of pieces done too.

Fiction & Viewer: Finished done, wrapped up and has been for a while now

In other words we're here, we're all very busy BUT UE looks proffesional at this point, its just unfinished, we could probably release at this point with only a day or twos work but we know you want everything and you want it the best it can be so give us some time, not too much though, we don't want to get too relaxed

Quarto has the most work to do, mainly because hes got the most talents and skills (which btw also means hes constantly in demand from other projects) but hes got some time now so things will pick up and I'm certain if I get some free time things will get redelegated so I'll end up with more to be doing (just not a cutscene I can guarantee you that, I don't have the artistic blood I guess)

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