Invasion Review Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

CZ resident Gregory "Napoleon" Haroutunian sent in this review of the recently released Invasion Beta... sounds great!
"On April 1st 2001 the team over at Wing Commander Invasion released a Beta version of their Invasion for Star Trek Armada. They released 4 fighters, the piranha, wasp, devestator, and excalibur. The wasp has great weapons graphics. The excalibur is the only one of the four fighters that can normally survive more than 1 second in combat. The fighters are well made and look great. On their forum the team states that they are currently working to produce non-standard st:armada weapons for their fighters.

They also released 4 capitol ships. A Murphy Class Destroyer which is very very well done. As well as a Hades Class that cannot build fighters but unfortunatly has the problem of being mis-named Cerberus Class. The next is a Plunkett in design but again has been mis-named Hyperion Class, unless I am missing something and they are variants of the original ships. Their is also an amazing looking Midway class ship that is capable of building all 4 fighters and the construction ship. All laser turrets and lasers are currently represented with defiant style pulse phasers.

Also released are a series of buildings. First is a starbase capable of building the construction ship, the dilithium miner/frieghter and also the Piranah fighter, which is a big help early on in a game. Next is the mining station, which serves the same purpose of the one in the original Armada. They also have a fighter shipyard which builds, yes you guessed it, fighters. The fighteryard resemballs the many shipyards seen in WC. Next comes a recon sensor which allows about 1/4 of a map to be shown, and looks like a big sensor dish. Then their is the Laser Sat which doesn't look like the laser sat from WCIV at all, and I can't think of another laser mine in the games. Their is also a capship shipyard which resembals the shipyard used to make the Vesuvius in WCIV. Finally they have an "outpost" which builds the fighters, the murphy, and the construction ship. It is also armed with some pulse phasers.

Overall the Mod is quite well done with only the few naming errors that I mentioned. I hold high hopes for the future releases that have been promised. This is Napoleon Signing off"

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