Trivia 3 Week 23 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

If today's trivia were the length (rounded down) of a Wing Commander IV fighter, it'd be the Border Worlds Banshee class light fighter...

Welcome to Game Three, Week Twenty-Three Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard that will be up soon. Have your answers in before this coming Sunday (April 8, 2001) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Answers to Questions from Week 22 (starting March 26, 2001):

Question 43: What is a major warship that participated in a joint operation with the TCS Tiger's Claw?
Answers Included: TCS Austin & TCS Kyoto

Question 44: What is a major warship that participated in a joint operation with the TCS Gettysburg?
Answers Included: TCS Concordia & TCS Wolfhound

Bonus 22: What is a major warship that participated in a joint operation with the TCS Cerberus?
Answers Included: TCS Tereshkova & TCS Midway

New Questions for Week 23 (starting April 2, 2001):

Question 45: What was something that K'Kai did to save a great many lives?

Question 46: What was something that Grayson Burrows did to save a great many lives?

Bonus 23: What was something that Duke Grecko did to save a great many lives?

Submissions are due by April 8, 2001.

Get ahold of me as soon as possible if your Week 22 submission was lost in our email troubles so we can work something out.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks.

Fantastic Musical Update #1 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Joe Garrity, of the Origin Museum, has sent us something exciting... Two mp3s from the ultra-rare 1991 Origin Soundtrack -- each contains several pieces of music from the given WC title (listed below). Thanks for hosting,!

Track 1 - Wing Commander 2 (26:03) - 21,492k

Track 6 - Wing Commander (9:06) - 7,960k

Fantastic Musical Update #2 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

IceFire has put together all 3 CD's of Prophecy music! Grab 'em below (see the readme, also below, for credits). Thanks, again,!
Wing Commander: Prophecy Mp3's!

Wing Commander Prophecy, although breaking with some of the story traditions of the previous Wing Commander series, had a unique feel of music and mood that none of the other games captured. This pack allows you to listen to the Prophecy music files from Winamp or any other Mp3 player.

All 3 CD's worth of music is here. The quality is low because they were recorded into the game with roughly the same quality.

Thanks to HCI for his Mgi2Wav Utility and to Popsicle Pete for keeping HCI's utilities on the internet!

All music credit goes to the composer of Wing Commander Prophecies music. All copyrights are copyrighted to their respective owners.

I take credit only for the intense work of pasting together hundreds of wave files into a single file.

Starring Brack Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Star Wars Galaxies Official Site has an interesting team comments article by J. Allen Brack -- who worked on Wing Commander III onward... and is (presumably) the man behind Prophecy's TCS Brack. Check out the picture! Here's a quote...

One day as I was driving home, I spotted a familiar logo: "We Create Worlds." On a whim I applied for a QA job, never thinking I'd be lucky enough to be employed in the game industry. Imagine my surprise when two weeks later I was an Origin employee! A gamer's dream come true - well, sort of.

Four grueling months later, working seven days a week without a break, sleeping at work, and playing more Doom then I could have ever imagined possible, I helped ship my first game, Wing Commander III. Starring none other than the great Mark Hamill himself!

Invasion Review Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

CZ resident Gregory "Napoleon" Haroutunian sent in this review of the recently released Invasion Beta... sounds great!
"On April 1st 2001 the team over at Wing Commander Invasion released a Beta version of their Invasion for Star Trek Armada. They released 4 fighters, the piranha, wasp, devestator, and excalibur. The wasp has great weapons graphics. The excalibur is the only one of the four fighters that can normally survive more than 1 second in combat. The fighters are well made and look great. On their forum the team states that they are currently working to produce non-standard st:armada weapons for their fighters.

They also released 4 capitol ships. A Murphy Class Destroyer which is very very well done. As well as a Hades Class that cannot build fighters but unfortunatly has the problem of being mis-named Cerberus Class. The next is a Plunkett in design but again has been mis-named Hyperion Class, unless I am missing something and they are variants of the original ships. Their is also an amazing looking Midway class ship that is capable of building all 4 fighters and the construction ship. All laser turrets and lasers are currently represented with defiant style pulse phasers.

Also released are a series of buildings. First is a starbase capable of building the construction ship, the dilithium miner/frieghter and also the Piranah fighter, which is a big help early on in a game. Next is the mining station, which serves the same purpose of the one in the original Armada. They also have a fighter shipyard which builds, yes you guessed it, fighters. The fighteryard resemballs the many shipyards seen in WC. Next comes a recon sensor which allows about 1/4 of a map to be shown, and looks like a big sensor dish. Then their is the Laser Sat which doesn't look like the laser sat from WCIV at all, and I can't think of another laser mine in the games. Their is also a capship shipyard which resembals the shipyard used to make the Vesuvius in WCIV. Finally they have an "outpost" which builds the fighters, the murphy, and the construction ship. It is also armed with some pulse phasers.

Overall the Mod is quite well done with only the few naming errors that I mentioned. I hold high hopes for the future releases that have been promised. This is Napoleon Signing off"

Some Guy Who Didn't Write Prophecy Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Something freakishly odd from the Star Trek: Bridge Commander web page: Derek Chester, the man who (falsely) claims to have written the original Prophecy script, has used his fictional job experience to land himself a position writing for this Star Trek title. And now he designed Prophecy's missions, too! They ought to shoot that kid, if you ask me... or at least complain about him to Totally Games. His bio...

Derek has been writing in the television and computer game industries for the last six years. In that time Derek has worked on the famed Wing Commander series, writing the original script for Wing Commander: Prophecy, as well as partaking in the mission design of the game. Derek also worked on a potential Battlestar Galactica title that was later discontinued but may some day see the light of day.

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