TCS Concordia

There are two different ships with that name. I guess Confed can have two ships with the same name if it wants. Why not?

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]
Cricket: I think there were at least two.

WildWeasel: I fail to understand that analogy. One has nothing to do with the other.
Bandit LOAF said:
The only relationship between the games and novels is that, through a minor miracle of copywrite law they both happen to be called Wing Commander. And they have the same story and characters.

Eeek! I forgot my anti-sarcasm pills. The games and the novels (and the cartoon) are the same universe, as evidenced by the fact that the books are listed in the various timelines included with Wing Commander games.

A bit more detail on the Concordia's destruction (and why Blair wasn't aboard) is given in the WC3 novel... more on the last days of the Concordia appears in the Armada manual, Voices of War.

Voices of War, Hmmmm? I guess I'll go dig out my Armada EA Classic CD and fire up the old Acrobat!
WildWeasel said:
There are two different Lexingtons. I guess Confed can have two ships with the same name if it wants. Why not? They can convict an innocent man of treason. Then again, any government could probably do that...

There were THREE TCS Lexingtons.

1) Class Unknown (I think), confirmed Lost in Fleet Action during the Battle of Earth.

2) Class Unknown (I think) in WC Armada, lost or whatever depending on how you played.

On the topic of the Armada Lexington, I'm almost positive she was lost. She was listed as MIA in WC3, and even after Kilrah was destroyed, the Kilrathi warlords had plenty of ships to hunt her down with. Also, this quote from Voices of War seams to indicate otherwise:

"MISSION TERMINATION CONDITIONS: None. Due to your position in uncharted territory, we cannot guarantee a reverse-jump. No occurrence of medical conditions or equipment failures shall warrant mission abortion procedures. If resource levels become critical, explore and mine suitable planets."

3) Ranger-Class Carrier in WC IV, lost or leeched depending on how you played.

[This message has been edited by Jumper (edited July 03, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Jumper (edited July 03, 2000).]
I remember reading something (don't know where anymore) about a carrier performing a top secret mission deep behind enemy lines that was forced to abort it's mission due to extreme damage. Well, LOAF's always (mostly) right so I'll be damned if I know where I got that from.

Wildweasel: you presume too much, monsieur
. I only one I haven't read yet is End Run.

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
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My point is that Confed can do whatever it wants.

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]
Jumper: Call me daft, but wasn't the WCIV Lexington a Concordia-class carrier, according to both the novel and the CIC's Ships Database?

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
Which novel tells what happened to the Concordia?

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]
You're probably thinking of the TCS Eagle, NR, which was crippled and forced to retreat while trying to deploy the temblor bomb.

There are *two* TCS Lexingtons -- the Concordia class carrier which was sunk in Fleet Action and re-comissioned for WCIV (read the WCIV novel for details) and the Lexington from Armada, which is presumed lost.

No two ships of the same name may serve at the same time -- but after a ship is listed as lost another may use the name. As thus, there were three Concordias and two Lexingtons... and at least two of som eother ships, like the Suffolk.

The Lexington is *not* Ranger class. The only Ranger class carriers we know of are the Ranger and the Victory.
Do we know that there's a TCS Ranger because it was mentioned somewhere or because we're assuming that every class has a ship named after it?

[This message has been edited by WildWeasel (edited October 20, 2000).]
WildWeasel said:
Do we know that there's a TCS Ranger because it was mentioned somewhere or because we're assuming that every class has a ship named after it?
Yes, every class is named after the first ship built in that category. Like the Confederation Class - TCS Concordia (WC2) & the Concordia Class - TCS Concordia (WC4)
Oh yes, of course. Like the way the first Bengal class ship was the TCS Tiger's Claw.
And the way the first Hades class ship was the TCS Cerberus.

There is no hard rule regarding the relationship between ship names and class names.

And even if there was, you got things in reverse, JoeyRP. It wouldn't be the class named after the ship, but the ship named after the class - for the very obvious reason that the class was developed before the ship could be built
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Errr, no, Quarto, the first updated (700 meter) Bengal was the TCS Tiger's Claw -- the first was the Bengal -- and the first Hades class ship was the testbed TCS Hades... check the SO stats.
Eh? Updated Bengal? Do you mean the 10 metre lenght difference? If yes, than it's the other way round - the 'Claw was the only 700 metre Bengal, and the later ships were smaller. If not... well, I'll just go by the WC1 manual which as I recall states that the TCS Tiger's Claw was the first Bengal class ship. But I wouldn't bet my life on it, because I haven't seen the proper WC1 manual since '97, and the KSaga version doesn't have all the Bengal stuff in it.

As for the TCS Hades... oh yeah. I never noticed that little bit
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"2645:The second Bengal-class space carrier, the Kipling, is launched. Owing to design modifications, the Kipling and all subsequent Bengals are 10 meters shorter and several tonnes less massive than the Tiger's Claw, making the Tiger's Claw the biggest space carrier in it's class."
Okay, looking at Claw Marks I see that in 2642 Confed authorized the construction of the Bengal-class carrier. In 2644, the TCS Tiger's Claw is launched.

Now, it seems to me that the Tiger's Claw was indeed the first of its class, because I don't think it'd take less than 2 years to build an entire Bengal.

But, I could be wrong.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
Oh, and Death's Head response also nicely reiterates this.

I didn't read enough. Oh, well.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited July 05, 2000).]
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If you will be so kind as to check page 34 of your copy of the Terran Confederation Hanbdook, you'll find that the first Bengals -- a 625 meter long variant -- entered service in 2619...