Star Destroyers

It depends on who's writing. Some are just "sensor masks" while others also hide ships from visual ID.
TopGun said:
Well the Bucket Heads need to be good pilots as they have no shields

I actually read about imperial pilot training once... I Think 10% or so got through.
when it comes to the marksmenship of Stormtroopers the question is how bad is it when compaired to real soldiers. I have read some place that in WW II hundreds of shots were fired per enemy killed and in vietnam it was in the thousands. I would like a better souce to get a bettr figure...and having never servedI can't compair how bad the storm troopers fared compaired to real soldiers.
Stromtroopers can't defeat an army of cute little ewoks armed with arrows and stones. Why do they even use armor?
To go back on the cloaking tie fighters aka the phantom fighters, I doubt it was possible that they could create a cloaking device that small, but then I look at the Excalibur and think that there is the possibility.
However if I remember playing Rebel Assualt II, the Tie was not actually cloak, it was very hard to see visually because of the they way they made it and it was render undetectable on scanners.
So I am thinking that although you can not detect through sensors it is just as hard to visual see it anywhere, becuase there was no light indicators on the ship par the lasers that shot out when the fighter attack....I think
I would point out that if you've played any of the SW FPS games, the Stormtrooper rifle is horribly inaccurate no matter WHO happens to be shooting with it. And the armor is plastoid armor, it's going to be relatively uselessly.

Also, Quarto, 100% in agreement. The "how many fanboy panels can we put on a TIE" designs are lamer then hell. I hate those ships with a passion. As for cloning pilots, wait for the new movie. And then go read the Hand of Thrawn Series, where we find out that as part of his master plan Thrawn cloned Baron Soontir Fel, the greatest pilot ever to live, and scatted his clones about the galaxy.
I read the Hand of Thrawn Series, though I cannot remember from the top of my head why he would scatter the clones around the galaxy.
Thou I can understand why clone Fel. Ensure Imperials have more success rates with their pilots in their missions I suppose
Quarto, i agree with you...the tie defender was just insane. Plus it looked butt ugly. I have to admit thought, the cloaking Ties from Rebel Assault 2 looked just phenomenal. They were sleek, mean fighters that appeared to handle with a subtle grace. Easily my favorite variation of the Tie design.
Dahan said:
I read the Hand of Thrawn Series, though I cannot remember from the top of my head why he would scatter the clones around the galaxy.
Thou I can understand why clone Fel. Ensure Imperials have more success rates with their pilots in their missions I suppose

My understanding was that it wasn't just Fel that was cloned, only that he was the primary focus of that particular subplot. The basic idea of the clone distribution was for them to be "sleeper" agents, submerged in the target society until it was time to strike, at which time they'd come out of hiding and hit from within.

(My suspicion is that the real Thrawn would've come up with a plan somewhat more subtle than the one the troika came up with. Subtlety isn't exactly a known trait of storm troopers like the one from which Tierce was cloned, as they were shock troops, not commandos.)
That theory all depends on how you read the novels. If you listen to what the clones say, they say that Thrawn made a miscalculation, counting on Fel loving the Empire more then anything else. Fel loved his home more then anything, his simple farmer days. And they say Thrawn didn't know that. This would render the clones useless for someone like Thrawn - or Tierce - to use in their plan.

However, consider something else. Thrawn was a genius, not likely to miscalculate anything. Perhaps those sleeper cells weren't planted around the galaxy to rise up against the New Republic. Perhaps they were planted around the galaxy to defend against a much darker threat that was coming and would threaten everything. That's always how I read it, anyway.
Maj.Striker said:
Quarto, i agree with you...the tie defender was just insane. Plus it looked butt ugly. .

I don't know, they were uberfighters in the main game, but in the 2 Tie Fighter expansions (Defender and Enemies of the Empire) were you fight against ISDs plus hordes of Tie Defenders, Advanced and Bombers that want to destroy your flagship (a tiny M-Frigate) and specially when you need to protect those T-D and T-A factories, i found it very useful, surely i couldn't complete those missions in Tie Interceptors or Advanced.

I remember those Interceptors with shields :(, they were like A-Wings...but deadlier
I has been long since i played Tie Figther... What was the name of the traitor guy that invented those shielded TIE's? I remember that i really hated him.
Admiral Zaarin.

For some reason Zaarin and Thrawn use the white uniform (G.Admiral) without being one.

I'm replaying Tie fighter (CD/W95) an it is the w00tness :P
Ghost said:
Admiral Zaarin.

For some reason Zaarin and Thrawn use the white uniform (G.Admiral) without being one.

I don't know about Zaarin, not having followed the games, but Thrawn was a Grand Admiral, as per the scene with him and Mara Jade aboard his flagship in the 2nd or 3rd book of the Thrawn trilogy (I forget which, offhand, but believe it's in Dark Force Rising).

(No, I'm not really into the SW books in general, I just like Zahn's work.)
I think what Ghost meant was that Thrawn is wearing the white Grand Admiral uniform in TIE Fighter when he was only an Admiral during that point in time.