Star Destroyers

Bob McDob said:
SWIII ICS refers to them as Venerator-class Star Destroyers, if I recall.

I saw the Venerator-class Star Destroyer in a Star Wars book. It is almost 1,200 meters in length. It launches fighters through the front.
The Tri-wing is seen in Ep 3 which is a droid ship, the only other fighter which may have been referred as the Tri-Wing might be the Tie-Defender from the Tie Fighter series or the Tie-Claw from the New Jedi Order Series, apart from what I know from my references the Tri-Fighter at this point may be referred to the Droid fighter seen in the beginning of the movie where yuo see the two fleets fighting over Coruscant
Yeah, the unofficial name for the new droid fighter is the "Tri-Fighter". Or so the circles I travel have been calling it. I have no idea if it has an official designation or not. Ever since Star added that ugly as sin Flash Intro their site takes months to load and that page hangs on me 80% of the time I visit the site, so I'm not up to date on the new EPIII stuff they have over there, like if they actually say that the ARC-170 is developed by Subpro and Incom. Which would be interesting, as I thought that KDY was developing all the ships for the Clone Army. I could be wrong about that, I dunno.

The TIE Defender isn't really a TRI Wing, if you call those ugly solar panels wings, and the Chiss Clawcraft have four wings, not three.
I think I need to recheck all the references to those "Tri-fighterss" before anyone makes a wrong assumption
The T/d has three solar panels. Corran comes up with some funky name for it in Isards Revenge. I think Trips, or something along those lines, but they never seemed like they had three wings just from looking at them.

I call the droids Tri-Fighters because, like I said, I don't know of any other name for them. As opposed to the Hex-Wing/ARC-170
The T/d has three solar panels. Corran comes up with some funky name for it in Isards Revenge. I think Trips, or something along those lines, but they never seemed like they had three wings just from looking at them.

That would be from the Novel "I, Jedi" by Michael Stockpole (spelling inaccurate I think)
No, that's another kind of fighter. He flies a TIE Defender in Isards Revenge and gives them a nick name, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it is.

ADDITION: Hmmm, seems I can't post more then once every 45 seconds. Pity.
oops My bad that was the X-Wing Series novels...
I was think of the tie in with the Jedi Academy series
There's also the Phantom TIEs from Rebel Assualt II


The Hasbro website calls the EP III Droid fighters, Droid Tri-Fighter
No, you were right too. Trips I think are the Tri-wing fighters from the I, Jedi novel but somewhere in the X-Wing series he names the TIE Defenders with a nickname (Like Squints Brights and Dupes) that eludes me at the moment.

The Phantom Ties (which I hated and never considered canon) have the designator of V-38's.
Ackbar states that they are Modified V-38 Assualt Craft, but they are commonly known as Phantom TIEs
Am I the only one who thinks all those "how many panels can we give a TIE fighter this time?" designs are just plain stupid? The original TIE Fighter was good, the TIE Bomber was great, the TIE Advanced was great (at least the version that Vader flies in ep. 4), the TIE Interceptor was great... but crap like the TIE Defender was crazy. Apart from its fanboyish stats (yes! Let's have a TIE fighter that can out-fly, out-shield, and out-shoot every Rebel ship out there! Because that's exactly the kind of ship design that the Empire would create!), it's simply damned ugly.

(as are those Phantom TIEs, apparently... and ugh, cloaking in Star Wars? Yeah, it was mentioned in one of the movies, but that doesn't mean it has to be shown)
And those cyborg ties with turbo-lasers. Hey, aren't starfighters too fast for it, anyway? All the super TIEs make no sense. On ROTJ, the most important battle of the Empire doesn't have them, and its better for it. Fanboy stats really suck. On EP4, a TIE Fighter was menacing enought for the X-Wings.
TopGun said:
"They can't have disappeared. No ship that small has a cloaking device"

Yeah - while it should be noted that Star Wars has mentioned various types of cloaking, the fact that the Phantom TIEs have a "visual" (as opposed to "sensor only") cloak is really farfetched.

Good thing Boston museums put it on display for future generations to see.