Star Destroyers


At C3 someone asked Lucas if that was considered cannon because it was a movie. The whole room laughed and Lucas asked what it was, does that answer your question, LOAF?

Still wasn't as funny as the Klingon in the back of the room, or the near-riot that insued when someone annoucnced it was a good thing they killed Chewbacca in the new books.
LeHah said:
It's been addressed twice, both in deleted scenes in the prequels. (Obi-Wan's lightsaber malfunctions when he lands on Naboo - which is why he's seen running from the droid on the speeder, which Qui-Gon kills. The second time is in a scene in the yet-to-be released Revenge Of The Sith involving droids coming out of a flooded hallway or something.)

After he lost his Lightsaber in Ep I, Obi-Wan made his new one more water resistant.

To add to the Star Destroyer debate, the ships seen in Ep II according to are Acclamator-class trans-galactic military transport ships.

They were built by Rothana Heavy Engineering, are 752 meters long and have 12 quad turbolaser turrets, 24 laser cannons, 4 missile/torpedo tubes.

The ones in Ep III are indeed Venator-class Star Destroyer), they were built by Kuat Drive Yards (the same people for built the Star Destroyers seen in the original trilogy), they are 1,137 meters long (the OT Star Destroyers are 1,600 meters long) and have 8 heavy turbolasers; 2 medium dual turbolasers; 52 laser cannons; 4 proton torpedo launchers; 6 tractor beam projectors.
Jason_Ryock said:
However, the concept of a City Planet, that is, the idea behind Coruscant, is actually Lucas' creation. All Zahn did was put a name on it.

Trantor anyone?
Jason_Ryock said:
Actually, Zahn did create the name Coruscant for us in his Heir to the Empire series. He even talked about this while he spoke at Star Wars Celebration III.

But you do realize that he had to call into Lucasfilm or where-ever and ask for permission.

Jason_Ryock said:
However, the concept of a City Planet, that is, the idea behind Coruscant, is actually Lucas' creation. All Zahn did was put a name on it

About as close to true as you can get, though it's sometimes refered to as Imperial City.
My understanding is that Imperial City is a part of the Manari Mountains District on Coruscant, and is the immediate region around the Imperial Palace that contains a majority of the Imperial Government buildings.

I think maybe you meant Imperial Center? I've seen numerous refrences to calling it that.
Jason_Ryock said:
My understanding is that Imperial City is a part of the Manari Mountains District on Coruscant, and is the immediate region around the Imperial Palace that contains a majority of the Imperial Government buildings.

I think maybe you meant Imperial Center? I've seen numerous refrences to calling it that.

Then again, Manari Moutains are UE material, so we're not even sure if they exist. (We certainly never see mountain ranges in the prequels, despite all that goes on there.)
I remember reading about them in Heir to the Empire, but yeah I haven't seen any of them in TPM or AOTC
I read feww things from UE, most of the stuff I know are from games and a couple of cartoons.
I did read the Zahn trilogy with Thrall, MAra JAde, C'Baoth and the Dreadnaughts. I liked it a lot.

Unfortunatelly I also read that really awful fanboy-dream comic with the emperor clones, dark sided luke and those Borton-spawned World Eaters and E-wings. Everything was so over the top that it made the Deathstar look like a nerfgun. I mean, the bad guys had an almost infinite advantage that was completelly overwhelmed in minutes!

I also read those old marvel comics that took place between ESB and ROTJ. I really liked those. Pitty I never got to see the ending.
That's because Coruscant has been built over with wouldn't be able to see the Moutains, there's buildings on them. Literally kilometers and kilometers of buildings. In fact there's only one place, Monument Plaza, I think it is, where the very tip of one moutain is able to seen.
Jason_Ryock said:
That's because Coruscant has been built over with wouldn't be able to see the Moutains, there's buildings on them. Literally kilometers and kilometers of buildings. In fact there's only one place, Monument Plaza, I think it is, where the very tip of one moutain is able to seen.

Still rather moot - since theres nothing in any of the movies to support any claim of mountains anywhere.
The Shadows of the Empire novel makes mention of a single mountain on Coruscant that is both a tourist resort and the location of many of the most exclusive establishments in the Empire.

Has anyone played the revenge of the sith computer game? Its actually pretty decent and you get a sneak peek at many of the pivotal scenes in the mavie.