Star Destroyers


What the hell is that?

I would only read a book before seeing a movie, if the movie is based on the book
Why woudl Shadows of the Empire not Canon??

If Lucas did use the name of Coruscant and Kashyyk would that still means he used the Expanded Universe info.
In the movie, in the script he use the name of one the Jedis from comic series

What is wrong with Pokemons?? they are cute and cuddly. Sure some bite but they sure hell are obident to their masters
Hey Newbie to the forums here (Hello!)

Wheres the old Dreads eh?

Ive not seen 1 and it hurts :)

I thought the Dreadnought was the Primary Warship of the old republic!
(it also looks kewl)


Well, guess that Lucas didn't want to take those things from the books and create a new set of ships
Dahan said:
Why woudl Shadows of the Empire not Canon??

Only the movies, the movie novelizations and the radio dramas are canon. Everything else is "secondary".

Dahan said:
If Lucas did use the name of Coruscant and Kashyyk would that still means he used the Expanded Universe info.

Not nessessarily. He picks and chooses what he wants to use. True, the names were originated in EU material - but they had to be approved from Lucasfilm and the continuity department first.

Dahan said:
In the movie, in the script he use the name of one the Jedis from comic series

I think we can all agree that George Lucas has a bad sense of humor.
IMO, Lucas and Lucasfilm has done a simple phenominal job of tying togetether the EU Material related to EPIII. It all meshes and flows in ways I can only begin to imagine, from the Clone Wars television Series, to the Novels, to the comics, to the Republic Commando video game.

I have a theory on this.

When the novelizations began to come out in the 80's and 90's, an effort was made to keep them true to each other, but not necessarialy to the movies. This led to a large mixture of stuff being published, much of which didn't all quite mesh together.

Now we're onto the early trilogy, which for so long has been off limits because people didn't know anything about it, and Geroge Lucas is taking extra special care to make sure everything flows - it wouldn't surprise me if we saw the EU Material related to the Prequels get an official recogniztion as Canon, because it doesn't conflict with any of the movies, only with some of the other EU Material, none of which fits together as well as the new stuff and the new movies.

And no, you won't be seeing the Z-95 in EPIII. Apparently Subpro (Developer of the Z-95) and Incom (Developer of the X-Wing) were screwed out of their place in the Star Wars Universe and years of accepted discussion on the generation of the X-Wing and TIE Fighter have been pushed out the window by things like the "Tri-Fighter" and the "ARC-170". I'm not saying it's a cool looking ship, but there's certain things that I've come to accept about the Star Wars Universe, EU material or not, and I'm greatly disturbed by the mass changes that are affecting that core beliefe.

Official Lucasfilm line is that the ARC-170 is supposed to be in service around this time, and is a front runner to the X-Wing design, however, the company that produces it is neither Subpro nor Incom, yet is going to go on to design the X-Wing.

Regarding the Dreadnaught...given their usefulness in the game Rebellion and their general statistics from other bits and pieces of data, I was under the impression that they (and the Z-95) were much older then a mere twenty years. However, two things are possible. They may have existed before this war. This is unlikely because supposedly there we Clones on board. I say supposedly. They may come into exsistance anytime in the next twenty years.

As I stated I had a long discussion with other SW Freaks about the Teaser Trailer when it was released and there is some speculation that the CIS Ships are front runners to the Dreadnaught Design, just like the Republic Assault ships are front runners to the ISD Design.
Jason_Ryock said:
IMO, Lucas and Lucasfilm has done a simple phenominal job of tying togetether the EU Material related to EPIII.

I agree - because he ignored about 99.9% of it.
If I am not mistaken the Z-95, Triwing and X-wing are all simular designs so could the Z-95 be a stipped down version of the triwing?
Thats an amusing thought but I sincerely doubt it. Do we even know if the Tri-Wing was made by Incom? shows that the ARC-170 was made by Incom and Subpro together, so that's a nice link right there between the ARC-170, Z-95 and the X-Wing.