Star Destroyers

Yes, it is what Lehah said.
You can see him in the intro wearing the white uniform while being a Vice Admiral
It should be noted that members of the Imperial Security Bureau wear a white/off-white dress uniform similar to the Grand Admiral uniform.
Is it established that TF happened before the ceremony promoting Thrawn to GA? I'm not really familiar the EU timeline.
Also you can see Palpatine promoting him to GA in the cutscene after finishing Battle 13.
TF begins shortly after Hoth and ends shortly before Endor, so the entire game (13 Battles, like 80 missions) covers roughly 2 years IIRC
I believe that is from 1 year before Yavin until is Hott is found by the rebels.

Alliance is pretty tricky, it ends in Endor, but don't know where begin, maybe shortly after Hott.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it starts shortly after Hoth. One of your missions while you're still flying with the family company is to bring Bacta to a hospital station where a bunch of Hoth survivors are. Hoth could have happened during the first couple of missions though, I don't remember. We at least know that it takes place after Yavin, because your droid knows all about Luke and the Death Star right from the start of the game.
It starts right after Hoth the first cut seen is the Otona leaving Hoth with being covered by the Ion cannon and several X-wings.
I just thought of something about Lucas using EU material. I'm at work right now and will be for a while and can't check the movies, but is the title "Sith" ever used in the original trilogy? I don't think it is, but EU books used it, and so do the comics. Then Episode 1 used it. Could that be something Lucas used from EU or am I mistaken?
It seems Lucas uses the EU when he feels like it.

And look at the other way around. Creatures who appear for a couple of seconds on the Cantina on EpIV now have entire EU sagas, with races, history, and such. The Ithorians, for example, are all around KOTOR2.
I am not sure about the movie(have not watched in awhile) but the term Dark Lord of the Sith is in the original novel when you first get introducted to Vader. "Two meters tall. bipedal. flowing black robes trailing from the figure and a face forever masked by a functional if bizarre black metal breath screen-a Dark lord of the Sith was an awesome, threatening shape...." thats page 9 in my copy.
So then I figure the Sith may have been in the script and back the novels are suposed to be second in the line of what is canon and waht is not..
The term "Sith" is canon. Its mentioned in two of the three major canon bodies, to the best of my knowledge.
To verify those questions about X-wing if I am sure
1. Xwing - Covers the event about a year and bit up to the Battle of Yavin
2. Imperial Pursuit & Bwing - Covers the events from the evacuation of Yavin and relocation to Hoth
3. Tie Fighter - Covers the events just after the Battle of Hoth, although I do not know how much the expansions cover
4. Xwing Alliance - Cover the events just before the Battle of Hoth to the Battle Of Endor so the story would have last for about a year and a bit give or take a few
No worries TopGun..

I think that term Sith was used in the first novel release for Star Wars - A New Hope
man, i need to get a new joystick and all these star wars space combat games.

a long time ago (five to six years ago) i bought the original tie fighter, floppy disks and all.

later down the line, i bought some collection that had tie fighter and x-wing, plus the x-wing vs. tie fighter demo.

are there any bundles that include all games and the expansion packs?