Latest Fan Project Attempts to Mod Half Life
A fellow by the nick of Rambo is leading a new mod for Half Life called "Space." It features a major Wing Commander component and draws from several other major franchises.
The mod is called "SPACE: A Space combat flight simulator for Half-Life." We plan on having Wing Commander ships, Babylon 5 ships, and Star Wars ships. The current beta plan is as follows.Their website was just updated with newer information. There are also various screenshots and more. You can find it here.Beta 1 will include the following as of now:
Basic stuff coded (hud, physics, ect...)
Deathmatch mode
The Hellcat V (WC)
The X Wing (SW)
The Tie Fighter(SW)
The Starfury (B5)
BasesBeta 2:
Team Deathmatch
Maps that take place on the planets' surface
4 new shipsBeta 3:
Capital Ships
Mission Based Team multiplayer modeWe're gonna try to get the first beta out in 3 to 6 months with each beta after that taking 2 months. This is not set in stone. The major problem is that we need people. Right now I have one coder and one mapper. We need people who can do textures, models, maps, code. Anyone interested can contact me at We also have a basic website up at That will be updated as we have more info. If you have any questions e-mail me. Thank you for your time.
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