Possibly the patriotic among you are celebrating Confederation Day today. In 416 years the Confederation will be founded to do this and that here and there. A few centuries later the Kilrathi will execute a surprise attack on McAuliffe that will exist as one of the most infamous early assaults. But for now, sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
A fellow by the nick of Rambo is leading a new mod for Half Life called "Space." It features a major Wing Commander component and draws from several other major franchises.
The mod is called "SPACE: A Space combat flight simulator for Half-Life." We plan on having Wing Commander ships, Babylon 5 ships, and Star Wars ships. The current beta plan is as follows.
Beta 1 will include the following as of now:
Basic stuff coded (hud, physics, ect...)
Deathmatch mode
The Hellcat V (WC)
The X Wing (SW)
The Tie Fighter(SW)
The Starfury (B5)
Beta 2:
Team Deathmatch
Maps that take place on the planets' surface
4 new ships
Beta 3:
Capital Ships
Mission Based Team multiplayer mode
We're gonna try to get the first beta out in 3 to 6 months with each beta after that taking 2 months. This is not set in stone. The major problem is that we need people. Right now I have one coder and one mapper. We need people who can do textures, models, maps, code. Anyone interested can contact me at Texmurph@optonline.net. We also have a basic website up at http://www.angelfire.com/games2/HLspace/. That will be updated as we have more info. If you have any questions e-mail me. Thank you for your time.
Their website was just updated with newer information. There are also various screenshots and more. You can find it here.
Or one does anyway. The site for the Australian newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald features a review of the WC Movie, and it can't praise the movie enough. You can read the review here. Thanks go to Kn'Thrak for pointing this out.
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