Peter Telep was kind enough to update me on his various projects... Pilgrim Truth should be published next year, but he's not sure when. He's completed his novel of the upcoming movie Red Planet. The novel will be out in late May, with the movie following in June. He's also sold three non-SciFi for Berkley (about firefighter-paramedics) and is up for the novelization of Clint Eastwood's Space Cowboys.
Haven't bought Wing Commander DVD yet? Once again, DVD BoxOffice has extended their free shipping policy another month.
Here's a quick wrap-up of what we know about the most likely next Wing Commander game...
November 1, 1999: Yahoo News publishes an article stating that Origin will develop a massively multiplayer Wing Commander game.
September 28, 1999: GamePen does an article on Andy Hollis which mentions that he is not among those working on 'Wing Commander Online'.
September 18, 1999: CGW runs an article about Starlancer which mentions the 'upcoming online version' of Wing Commander.
September 11, 1999: PC Games interviews Alan Pavlish, who says that he is working on an online game set in the WC universe.
June 30, 1999: Origin registers
June 19, 1999: Maximum PC mentions Wing Commander Online in an article about Andy Hollis.
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